T O P I C R E V I E W |
Ruby V |
Posted - May 31 2013 : 12:09:49 AM Here are the partners for the June swap: Madelena - Leilaht fille de ferme - aliciarazvi darlenelovesart - Ruby V
1. Sign ups start now and end June 10th. 2. You must email your partner and exchange names & addresses by June 14th. Mail out deadline is June 30th. 3.Body of doll should be 3”-5” (not counting the loop on top of head or beads hanging below). 4. Doll can be made from, and decorated with, any materials. (fabric, felt, beads, etc) 5. If you need ideas, do a google images search or see tutorials on youtube.
Ruby ~ Sister #3597 |
17 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
fille de ferme |
Posted - Jul 10 2013 : 04:24:07 AM Hi :-) Snapdragon Dawn is her name & her mission is to collect Dew. What a wonderful addition to my Dotee world & what a commotion she made with her colorful attire & sassy deposition. Thank You Alicia :-) .jpg)
fille de ferme |
Posted - Jun 27 2013 : 3:20:51 PM Oh My ! How could I of missed Darlene's Tummy aka Mighty Mouse & Pearl ???? Too Cute....
darlenelovesart |
Posted - Jun 27 2013 : 3:16:03 PM Ruby did you get your dotee yet? I hope so. I just hadn't heard from this topic for awhile and thought I would check. Take care hugs darlene
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
fille de ferme |
Posted - Jun 24 2013 : 12:25:16 PM Aw !!! How sweet the Dotee's are. Thanks for sharing Mary & Elizabeth :-)
darlenelovesart |
Posted - Jun 23 2013 : 7:29:34 PM Aw isn't she pretty, what a pretty bride dotee. I love it. darlene
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
Madelena |
Posted - Jun 23 2013 : 7:24:46 PM Hi Liz.. Got my lovely Dotee girl today.
She is a blushing June Bride. Her demure smile and lovely gown bespeaks of a wonderful wedding day with her true love. She is just adoreable and the picture does not do her justice (low lighting). I hope you enjoy her too!
"There is no unbelief: Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod and waits to see it push away the clod, he trusts in God." (Kate Douglas Wiggin) |
darlenelovesart |
Posted - Jun 18 2013 : 7:26:51 PM Elizabeth your dotee is really pretty! Ruby, Your dotee, Hope, is on the way. hugs darlene
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
Leilaht |
Posted - Jun 18 2013 : 2:48:57 PM I got my doll yesterday, but didn't have time to post. She is beautiful Mary! Thank you. I sent yours yesterday. Hope you like it. .jpg)
From childhood's hour I have not been as others were... "Alone" Edgar Allen Poe |
fille de ferme |
Posted - Jun 12 2013 : 3:08:24 PM My HEAVENS !!!!! How did I miss the posting of partners :-( Sorry Alicia ~~~ I just sent you my info & please send me yours.
Leilaht |
Posted - Jun 09 2013 : 4:01:18 PM Ok I'm in. Sounds like fun.
From childhood's hour I have not been as others were... "Alone" Edgar Allen Poe |
darlenelovesart |
Posted - Jun 05 2013 : 10:15:08 PM Oh Alicia you will get addicted to these little sweeties, I am. I have about 16 of them. They are wonderful and they are fun. You can find a video on youtube on how to make them and on Ehow. They take on their own little personalities, I love all of mine. hugs darlene
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
aliciarazvi |
Posted - Jun 05 2013 : 8:28:54 PM Please put my name on the dotee doll list. I'd never heard of such a lovely thing until finding them on this forum... and I am in love. What sweet little pieces dotee dolls are!
Looking forward to the swap,
Alicia aliciarazvi |
darlenelovesart |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 10:20:56 AM Oh Debbie It is so good to hear from you again, I sorry to hear about your computer dying. I am really glad that Pearl and Tummy got there ok. I totally forgot what I had included in the box :D and am glad you enjoyed it all. I thought the purse holder was neat and got one for myself as well. I am glad that tummy will be in the Mouse patrol and "Mighty Mouse" fits for sure. I thought his little patch and Pearl's apron was a perfect fit. I am glad you are enjoying Pearl and that she is enjoying her new home. I will be looking forward to April, her dotee sisters are excited to hear she is coming to live with us. we are all excited. I am so glad you are back. blessings and love darlene
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
buzzn bee |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 06:16:50 AM LOOKIE LOOKIE!
I know this is not the place to post this, but I did not want you farm sisters to miss out on this picture of my beautiful dotee doll named Pearl and her friend Tummy made by Darlenelovesart.
Darlene I love Pearl and Tummy!!!!! How precious they are. I love the face on Pearl and her sweet super cute farm apron. She is so happy to finally come out of the box she traveled to Indiana in. LOL! Thank you also for the tuck-ins. You did way to much.
Pearl has the sweetest little pearl earrings. She is the fashion diva for sure. LOL! For now she is hanging out with the other girls and they all are yakking their little heads off. I hear them talking about boys. LOL! Tummy the huge mouse is soooooo adorable. Of course Big Buzz has laid claim to him and the Bit O Honey candy, (Go figure)LOL!
Big Buzz has named him "MIGHTY MOUSE" and he will use him to fight his battle with Ceejay and her farmgirl troop. I have always wanted a hook for my purse. Now I have one. Thank you. I will be putting it to good use. LOveeeeeeeeeeeee the Bee Coaster set. I have a lot of company in my craft studio and now I have coasters for them to use. Also loved the Post card of the California Redwoods. I cannot imagine ever seeing trees that big. Must put a trip to California on my Bucket List.
Again thank you for everything. I have your box ready and it is collecting dust. Please send me your address as soon as you can. I lost all of the addresses when my computer went coplooy (LOL! is that a real word?) LOL! I tore through the address when I opened the box you sent Pearl to me in. I could not make out the address. I hope you love April when you receive her.
Farmsisters, When you send an e-mail please, please, please put something in the subject line. Here is what happened to me. I received an email from a very dear farm sister, I responded to her email and I thought she was sending me a quick return response. The return email said Hi! in the subject line, when I opened it I had things loading on to my computer faster than a rabbit can hop. Unable to repair the damage myself, I took my computer to our local Best Buy Store and had their computer geek take a look at it. She told me that she thought she could have it repaired in just a few short days. Well those few short days turned into a long almost 8 weeks and the computer ended up back at Gateway to be repaired. Meanwhile, all of my farmgirl addresses and pictures were stored on my computer. I lost everything, and I do mean everything. This is the third time in a year I have contracted a computer virus through MJF. So Sisters beware of what you open and pass along. Watch the subject line.
Now I am trying to play catch up and do apologize for any delays in my correspondence. I have a lot of thank you's and a lot of pictures to retake and share. If anyone of you has sent an email to me in the last 8 weeks, I apologize that I could not retrieve it. It feels wonderful to be back in the loop. I just need to get all of these packages addressed and to the Post office by Wednesday if I can.

Thank you again Darlene for Pearl and Tummy and all of the extra goodies. Most of all thank you for your understanding and kindness during my computers illness.
ps. Farmisisters, I no longer will store addresses on my computer, I have a special book to keep them and will delete all personal info from my computer. Love all of you
Debbie H. Buzzn Bee |
fille de ferme |
Posted - Jun 01 2013 : 11:40:21 AM Hi Ruby :-) Please sign me up...
darlenelovesart |
Posted - May 31 2013 : 1:24:54 PM Hi Ruby I am ready for a new Dotee, please sign me up for June~! I got the cutest dotee from Mary and her name is Florinda and her job is to paint the spring flowers so I guess she takes off occasionally to do that. I will take a picture and when I get on to my new computer I will post it. hugs darlene
I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment. by Frances Farmer
Just follow God unquestioningly. Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.
I trust in you Jesus... |
Madelena |
Posted - May 31 2013 : 11:18:14 AM Hi Ruby...
Sign me up -- My June Dotee.. did I mention her name is June.. is getting all gussied up for her new home.
I hope there will be lots of adventurous Dotees this month who will like to travel to new homes and make new Dotee friends! And some creative sewers who will make this happen.
"There is no unbelief: Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod and waits to see it push away the clod, he trusts in God." (Kate Douglas Wiggin) |