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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Merry Posted - Jul 05 2009 : 12:13:18 PM
By James Patterson

What sweet story, this is a perfect summer read.

When you grow up you are supposed to forget your imaginary friend, but what if you didn't? What if your ran into him again?

Sweet sweet story, heals your heart.

Farmgirl #536

"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets how much the heart can hold."
Zelda Fitzgerald
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
carolbrigid Posted - Jul 29 2009 : 6:47:16 PM
I too LOVED this book!

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #222
Member, Crafty Bay Farmgirl Chapter
prairie_princess Posted - Jul 22 2009 : 9:40:15 PM
my friend just loaned this one to me... i look foward to reading it!

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
-Guillaume Apollinaire
4HMom Posted - Jul 06 2009 : 08:30:33 AM
I just read it yesterday! Choked me up a couple of times, but loved it! I was just thinking about it this morning and wondered if I'd had an imaginary friend that I forgot about on my 9th birthday?

"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi
Aunt Jenny Posted - Jul 05 2009 : 6:47:09 PM
I just read this one about a month ago....LOVED it. Very different...great idea for a story..I recomend it too!

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies visit my little online shop at
ddmashayekhi Posted - Jul 05 2009 : 5:59:36 PM
Sounds like a great summer read! I'll add it to the list of books I want to look for at our library on Tuesday. Thanks for recommending it.

Dawn in IL
Merry Posted - Jul 05 2009 : 5:32:00 PM
Oh I hope you like it!

Farmgirl #536

"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets how much the heart can hold."
Zelda Fitzgerald
gramadinah Posted - Jul 05 2009 : 1:00:15 PM
I just picked it up now I can hardly wait to start.


Farmgirl Sister #273

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