T O P I C R E V I E W |
JojoNH |
Posted - Jul 12 2010 : 05:03:38 AM Hi Everyone! I am wondering what attracts you most to your favorite herb shop? Also, what would attract you to an herb shop you had never been to before? How far are you willing to travel to get to a good herb shop?
Looking forward to reading your thoughts!
Joanna #566 "Keeping Traditions Alive A Stitch At A Time" JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com
23 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
debtea2 |
Posted - Jan 18 2011 : 5:20:04 PM joanna i wish it was stil there ..i really liked it..nothing around here. maybe i'll open my own shop and recreate the one i loved. kathryn love your online studio especially the cat..lol i did find another herb shop in the summer on one of my drives i was nestled in back of other shops it was small clean and they had a nice selection of herbs for all things..the woman who owned it is very sweet and knowledgable i wil have to make my way there again.
http://jerseyfarmgirl.blogspot.com/ inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
RedHoopWoman |
Posted - Jan 11 2011 : 2:11:34 PM I don't know for sure if Valerie teaches classes,I know she does consultations. I do like Susun Weed's website for herbal learning,I have learned alot from her and she takes a very simplistic,wise approach to herbalism using tinctures and gentle healing techniqus,she offers workshops,teleseminars and even has some videos on youtube,I just love her!
"Today's Mighty Oak is just Yesterday's Nut" |
JojoNH |
Posted - Jan 08 2011 : 05:37:47 AM OHHHH, They both sound wonderful to me!! I have heard of Valerie Blankenship, does she teach classes as well? I am like you, have one shop for the basic needs and one to entice your senses.
Joanna #566
JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com http://www.Eastwooddesigns.com "For all your Promotional Needs" www.JoannasHomeStudio.com "Keeping traditions alive a stitch at a time" |
RedHoopWoman |
Posted - Jan 07 2011 : 12:37:52 PM I have two favorite herb shops,one is Sage Woman Herbs in Colorado Springs,CO (I live South of the Springs in Pueblo,it's about a 40 minute drive to the shop),the owner Valerie Blankenship is a certified herbalist and nutritionist,they have a great variety of dried herbs and either single herb or blended tinctures as well as all the supplies you could want for crafting your own remedies as well as a great book selection. Th other one I go to is The Thymekeeper in beautiful Manitou Springs,this one is more New Age spiritually oriented and has a good supply of dried herbs and teas as well as beautiful Pagan themed jewelry and statuary,it has a great ambience that I love though it's kind of a boutique/herb shop and I prefer Sage Woman for my practical herbal supplies.
"Today's Mighty Oak is just Yesterday's Nut" |
JojoNH |
Posted - Dec 22 2010 : 05:00:11 AM Debtea2, the windows would have attracted me as well! Sounds like it was a real treasure to shop there. Love the fact that, although it is no longer there, you described it as if I could walk right in and begin shopping!
Prariehawk, I am in agreement with you. . . a good herb shop is worth the long drive! It's wonderful that they sell native herbs as well as everything else. When you were in the store, what display caught your attention right away?
Joanna #566
JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com http://www.Eastwooddesigns.com "For all your Promotional Needs" www.JoannasHomeStudio.com "Keeping traditions alive a stitch at a time" |
prariehawk |
Posted - Dec 21 2010 : 6:44:09 PM I recently found a shop in the St. Louis area that sells native herbs in addition to everything else under the sun. And they have everything you need to make lotions, balms, etc. It's a drive but it's worth it. cindy
"There is more to life than increasing its speed". Mahatma Gandhi
Visit my blog at http://www.farmerinthebelle.blogspot.com/ |
debtea2 |
Posted - Dec 21 2010 : 6:14:30 PM i once found one and the windows caught my eye there were bundles of drying herbs tied with ribbon hung below a lacey curtain this intrigued me and in i went the scents got me second and i was hooked the shop was small and very clean with beautiful glass jars filled with all kinds of herbs the tables have handmade soaps and candles other shelves held lotions and potions lol skin cream really ..i must have spent a small fortune but worth every penny..she also was so sweet and knowledgeble she wrapped every item in beautiful tissue paper and put them in a bog with a preety ribbon and this was just for me i tod it was not a gift and she laughed and said of couse it is ...it for you... i laughed too she was right a present for myself..i never forgot that shop its gone now but not the memory..
http://jerseyfarmgirl.blogspot.com/ inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
JojoNH |
Posted - Dec 20 2010 : 2:53:41 PM
Sounds like a wonderful shop! Do they have a website? I would love to see a picture of their store. Nothing makes you feel better than walking into an herb shop
Joanna #566
JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com http://www.Eastwooddesigns.com "For all your Promotional Needs" www.JoannasHomeStudio.com "Keeping traditions alive a stitch at a time" |
Countrysidegirl |
Posted - Dec 20 2010 : 10:57:50 AM I was over on the west side for work, checking out downtown Olympia and found it. They have bulk herbs, essential oils, bath and beauty products, gifts, etc... Its big enough to keep me coming back to check out more and small enough to get really nice personal service from the ladies that run it.
~Countrygirl forced to live in the city making the best of what she's got~ |
JojoNH |
Posted - Dec 20 2010 : 10:21:49 AM
Hi Countrysidegirl! Tell me what attracted you to the herb shop and what do you like best about it?
Joanna #566
JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com http://www.Eastwooddesigns.com "For all your Promotional Needs" www.JoannasHomeStudio.com "Keeping traditions alive a stitch at a time" |
Countrysidegirl |
Posted - Dec 20 2010 : 09:33:57 AM There is a cute little one in downtown Olympia called Radiance Herbs that I found.
Countrygirl forced to live in the city making the best of what she's got. |
Homekeepn |
Posted - Sep 01 2010 : 6:15:24 PM Alright being from Maine I am very curious about this herb shop that would cause a mad dash, 5 hour trip. Where is this great place located?
As far as what would attract me to an herb shop, would first be the look and design of the sign, name of the shop, and how the outside of the shop was decorated. Once I walked in the door it would have to be the scent that would welcome me in. Does the shop have a great feel to the place? You know... how calm and welcoming it is. How is the product packaged. Does it look too commercialized or more natural. Is the owner or person in charge helpful and knowledgible. Price should be based on the quality and freshness of the herbs in my opinion. Anyway those are my thoughts.
---Cathy--- |
JojoNH |
Posted - Jul 21 2010 : 05:16:16 AM OHHHHH. . . a herb shop I did not know about. . . sounds like I need to plan a road trip!!! Thank you for sharing Kris, I love herb shops and this one sounds perfect!
Joanna #566 "Keeping Traditions Alive A Stitch At A Time" JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com
JojoNH |
Posted - Jul 17 2010 : 4:55:59 PM Hi Maya, thank you for sharing the links I have to agree with you, when your in an herb shop and the owner is so knowledgeable it makes for a fun visit. Love taking the workshops too! Have you taken any of the classes offered? If so which ones and how were they?
Nance, you crack me up! I would do the same thing!! LOL!
Joanna #566 "Keeping Traditions Alive A Stitch At A Time" JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com
mayamade |
Posted - Jul 17 2010 : 10:34:27 AM i have two favorites http://www.magusbooks.com/ is one, they have classes and a ton of herbs and a knowlegable lady on staff to help if someone needs it.
the other one is http://www.presentmoment.com/ they also have a staff person to help, but not classes afaik.
the thing i like about both of them is the vibe, friendly helpful people. a kind atmosphere. |
Nance in France |
Posted - Jul 17 2010 : 08:59:04 AM Oh, yes, Joanna; I just thought of a wild and crazy ride to an herb farm in Maine during the years I lived in Massachusetts. I cannot even recall the name of the place now, but a colleague from work caught the herb bug from me and you know where that can lead.......ROAD TRIP! My husband was a little unsure when I told him Diane would be swinging by to pick me up around noon. Well, he got out the map and this place was only a mere five hours away! We high tailed it and made it there fifteen minutes before they closed. It was either his innate kindness, or my hysterical pleas (maybe he thought I'd break out in chives, ha) to let us look around and we'd be quick about it, but he agreed and told us we could take our time (or would that be "thyme"???)! Anyway, another fragrant, happy car ride home!! |
Nance in France |
Posted - Jul 17 2010 : 08:53:10 AM It would be a good idea to look into Caprilands before you tank up the car. Mrs. Simmons has passed on and I have heard that her husband has not kept up her traditions.....really sad. |
JojoNH |
Posted - Jul 17 2010 : 08:37:11 AM Hi Nance, Yes, I have been once to Capriland Herb farm. . oh what fun! That was a special trip I did for myself. . Maybe one of these days I will get to do a return trip. I will think of you when I do
Joanna #566 "Keeping Traditions Alive A Stitch At A Time" JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com
Nance in France |
Posted - Jul 17 2010 : 08:26:09 AM Hey Joanna! Yes, I loved the visits, and riding home in the wonderfully scented car was a bit of heaven on earth! Did you ever get to Caprilands in Connecticut where Adelma Simmons created her lovely herb farm? She was a wise woman! Think of me when you tiptoe through the herbs in August!! Hugs, Nance |
JojoNH |
Posted - Jul 16 2010 : 07:42:53 AM Hi Nance! LOL!! Remember your very first time heading through the woods. All the turns and then. . . there it was!! They are still just as wonderful as ever. The staff is so nice, the food is to dye for and the whole experience leaves you feeling so special I am looking forward to my return visit sometime in August. . cannot wait!
Joanna #566 "Keeping Traditions Alive A Stitch At A Time" JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com
Nance in France |
Posted - Jul 16 2010 : 06:02:58 AM Oh my goodness, Joanna! What a blast from my past! When I lived in Massachusetts thirty years ago I read about Pickity Place in an herb magazine and got my husband to take me there. Loved that place and such nice folks who ran it back then. Thanks for the fragrant trip down memory lane! Hugs, Nance |
JojoNH |
Posted - Jul 12 2010 : 11:40:17 AM Thanks Angie! My favorite place to go is "Pickity Place" in southern NH. Don't get there very often any more, however, they have anything and everything you could ever want!
Joanna #566 "Keeping Traditions Alive A Stitch At A Time" JojoNH http://www.etsy.com/shop/CountryCents http://CountryCents.Blogspot.com
emsmommy5 |
Posted - Jul 12 2010 : 07:24:30 AM I have two favorites. The one at Pike Place Market in Seattle. I won't drive there, but on the rare occasion I get up to Seattle, I try to stop in. They have the best selection of essential oils and lots of other treasures.
My newest favorite is a little hole in the wall shop lesss than 4 minutes from home on a back road leading to the foot of Mt Rainier. They recently opened. WHile their herbs are rather spendy, because I am sure she probably buys them from the same places I do... it's combined with a range of hemp clothing, handcrafted items, and generally a fun place to go in and roam. Besides... I try hard to support local business!
Do what you love, love what you do. |