T O P I C R E V I E W |
kathyinozarks |
Posted - Jul 08 2010 : 11:15:33 AM I wanted to share this, cause it really works. I buy mine from Mountain Rose Herbs out of Oregon. I always keep a bottle nearby in the kitchen, cause I usually end up burning myself from time to time. Lavender is one of the few essential oils that you do not need a carrier oil to mix with it, you can put a couple drops right on the burn. If its a bad burn will sting like fire for just a bit and then the pain will be gone-for me within a 24-48 hour period my skin will be healed. Earlier this summer I was setting up the bbq grill, and for some reason one of the briquets was not where it was suppose to be-so I took my finger and moved it over-ouch!! my finger turned white. I immediately ran in the house and put my lavender oil on it. After the burning stopped I put more drops on. I finished fixing dinner, and by the time I started cleaning up with the dishes-I had forgotton about my burn-it did not burn while I was washing the dishes. This really does amaze me how well it works
A retired country girl,living in our woods in the ozarks http://kathyinozarks.multiply.com/ |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
earth mama |
Posted - Feb 14 2011 : 9:24:28 PM awesome info! I've been using shea butter with lavender in it for eczema and it's been really helping... now I'm wondering if some straight lavender oil could reduce the stretch marks that just decided to pop out (I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant ;-) ) if they helped with scarring...
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DeniseMGM |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 1:38:46 PM I love that lavendar is so good for one's skin. I really like the Young Living oils; they seem more potent than other brands I've tried though I haven't used the Oregon company.
On another note, I sometimes use Lavendar oil mixed with a few drops of jojoba oil (as carrier oil) as a nighttime moisturizer. It's wonderful and safe with no chemicals!!
Denise - Farmgirl #1976 |
SDPogue |
Posted - Dec 21 2010 : 10:16:16 AM We have a bottle of witch hazel with lavender oil in our fridge for burns. I buy all my essential oils at sfherb.com because they are more affordable. Be careful - lavender and lavendin are not the same. |
kathyinozarks |
Posted - Dec 16 2010 : 06:32:27 AM awesome news-thanks for sharing
Farmgirl Sister 1849 A retired country girl, living in the woods of Missouri Ozarks http://kathyinozarks.multiply.com/ http://www.etsy.com/shop/kathyinozarks |
Carrie W |
Posted - Dec 15 2010 : 12:30:06 PM I don't remember where I bought my lavender essential oil (I'm at the library and can't look at the bottle) but I wanted to share that shortly after I bought the oil my daughter got fairly severe frostbite on her toes on New Year's Eve. We took her home and I put some oil on her toes (NO RUBBING--never rub frostbit skin) and we got her warmed up. It soothed the pain so I kept putting it on. The next day we took her to the pediatrician who wrote a note in her file that Cole would most likely lose her two big toes, but she didn't say that to us. We kept applying the oil and went back the next week for a recheck and the doctor was AMAZED that they were better! I didn't tell her I was using the oil but I think that is why she was able to keep her toes.
So it doesn't only work on regular burns but it also works on frost bite. Nicole doesn't even have much residual pain or sensitivity from the frost bite. That's incredible!
Farmgirl Sisterhood #147
Tis better to weep at joy than to joy at weeping--Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing |
tea_lady_tammy |
Posted - Aug 09 2010 : 2:02:33 PM thanks Kathy, I will check into their site.
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
kathyinozarks |
Posted - Aug 07 2010 : 1:56:49 PM I don't know how to make it, but an excellent source for organic oils is mountain rose herbs in Oregon-I love their products and they have excellent service
Farmgirl Sister 1849 A retired country girl,living in our woods in the ozarks http://kathyinozarks.multiply.com/ http://kathyinozarks.blogspot.com/ |
tea_lady_tammy |
Posted - Aug 07 2010 : 12:43:49 PM Where can one find Lavendar oil? I do grow lavendar in my herb garden but how does one get the oil from it? I am rather new at this yet?
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
patchworkpeace |
Posted - Aug 07 2010 : 04:07:48 AM Lavender is great for cats, too. One cat got a bug bite above his eye, it was red, puffy. I applied lavender and it was like magic, within a couple of hours you could hardly see where he had been bitten.
It is also healing up a scratch my other cat has. Good stuff for people and cats!
P.S. Tea tree oil works great for bug bites on humans, too. It takes away the itch almost instantaneously.
Success is measured not by the position one reaches but by the obstacles one has to overcome to reach it. Booker T. Washington |
kathyinozarks |
Posted - Jul 21 2010 : 04:08:23 AM cool- we both learned something new with the lavender, I am always getting bug bites and I scratch them til they are sores-so am definately going to start using the lavender for my bites
Farmgirl Sister 1849 A retired country girl,living in our woods in the ozarks http://kathyinozarks.multiply.com/ http://kathyinozarks.blogspot.com/ |
MagnoliaWhisper |
Posted - Jul 20 2010 : 10:07:37 PM Yeah the lavendar oil takes the bug bite itch and swelling away for me like with in seconds! It's amazing! I didn't know about burns, and I have a terrible time with burns. We usually use silverdine, but I'll be sure to keep some lavandar oil on hand from now on for that too!
 http://www.heathersprairie.blogspot.com |
kathyinozarks |
Posted - Jul 20 2010 : 9:15:35 PM thanks I gotta try that for bug bites-
Farmgirl Sister 1849 A retired country girl,living in our woods in the ozarks http://kathyinozarks.multiply.com/ http://kathyinozarks.blogspot.com/ |
shunger |
Posted - Jul 20 2010 : 8:41:13 PM I tried the lavender oil on some little bug bites I got the other night around my ankles. The bites were annoying. An anti-itch cream didn't work, but the lavender oil did. And I love the scent. Suzanne |
farmmilkmama |
Posted - Jul 14 2010 : 6:41:57 PM Agree. Lavender is amazing stuff. We use it for burns (including sunburn) and also itchy stuff. Glad to hear it works for so many other people too!!
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde
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kathyinozarks |
Posted - Jul 14 2010 : 04:26:31 AM I'd be lost without it-lol I am always burning myself on something-glad it worked good for you too
Farmgirl Sister 1849 A retired country girl,living in our woods in the ozarks http://kathyinozarks.multiply.com/
http://kathyinozarks.blogspot.com/ |
soleil |
Posted - Jul 13 2010 : 9:15:08 PM You are so right about lavender on burns, Kathy. I recently grabbed a stove burner I had just rurned off to clean under. After dropping the burner, I also had white skin. I immediately ran it under cold water and held ice on it for a few minutes. Then,put on lavender. I read that as long as the area with the lavender tays shiny, you have enough on it. If it get dull, add some more for the first half hour after burning yourself. I just put some lavender on the pad of a bandaid and forget about it. As for the stove burn....there was almost no pain and I never got a blister. It is truly amazing stuff!!!!
Blessed be soleil
Even as we dream, we begin to succeed...even as we succeed, we begin to dream again. |
amomfly |
Posted - Jul 13 2010 : 6:58:40 PM I use lavender oil on my pulse points and under my nose for my sinus allergies! I have used it on burns and bites as well. Lavneder is lovely
God Bless Angie-amomfly #1038 |
daylily |
Posted - Jul 09 2010 : 08:16:43 AM Yep, lavender oil is amazing stuff! After I had my hysterectomy, with the huge incision, the physician's assistant told me to use lavender oil rather than vitamin E. on the scar. She said it really works better and sure nuff, it did! Never knew about the burn treatment. Thanks so much Kathy!
Chris Farmgirl Sister #346
http://refininglife.blogspot.com http://organizedkitchen.blogspot.com
kathyinozarks |
Posted - Jul 08 2010 : 5:56:34 PM you are welcome Sharon, I haven't tried it on bug bites yet-thanks for that tip, I know lavender is useful in so many ways-I love it
Farmgirl Sister 1849 A retired country girl,living in our woods in the ozarks http://kathyinozarks.multiply.com/ |
Calicogirl |
Posted - Jul 08 2010 : 5:45:20 PM Thanks for posting this Kathy. I have used it for sunburns and have had good results. I also use it on mosquito and deer fly bites. It helps with the swelling and itching :) I'm going to try it next time I burn myself because I know how graceful I am 
By His Grace, For His Glory
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