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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 1:58:55 PM
I would like to buy a Valentine's Gift for my Secret Sister! Do any of you have a fun crafty item you want to sell me? I would like to stay in the $20 - $25 range.


Farmgirl Sister #1682

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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
forgetmenot Posted - Feb 20 2016 : 11:03:39 AM
Well, Sherone, that I think I remember someone (maybe you) mentioned this type of scrubbie! I loved it then and now! Thank you!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
sherone_13 Posted - Feb 20 2016 : 07:35:15 AM
Judith. I am so happy that you are happy with your order. Yes, i did throw in a little extra farmgirl love. :)


Farmgirl Sister #93
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
forgetmenot Posted - Feb 19 2016 : 09:31:32 AM
Sherone, I received my package very speedy-like! I loved your products. They were exactly what I expected! ...and, did I receive something extra? Thank you!..for everything!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
srosedahl Posted - Feb 05 2016 : 06:43:20 AM
Wow there are a lot of great gift ideas here!

Sorry I am so late to this to add ideas, but if anyone is still interested I have chicken and farm animal (and birds and other art) on
including a rooster crowing hearts.

I also have my new Difficult Chickens adult coloring book

More info on my website

Sarah Rosedahl
naturemaiden Posted - Feb 05 2016 : 02:01:31 AM
Sherone I received my avon order the other day, I love everything!

Connie Handcrafted Soap & Candles My published books & other writing. Filled with everything I love! Vintage Sewing Machine Parts
naturemaiden Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 12:15:25 PM
awesome! maybe i can get rid of a few wrinkles LOL, thank you! Handcrafted Soap & Candles My published books & other writing. Filled with everything I love! Vintage Sewing Machine Parts
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 08:54:40 AM
Wow, Thanks, Connie! I really appreciate your business! You are going to love the Anew Ultimate Cream. I have been using the Anew Skin Care for 12 years and I have no wrinkle in sight so far. At 52, I say that's not too bad. Let me know when you get your order.


Farmgirl Sister #93
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
naturemaiden Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 07:56:37 AM
Sherone I just placed an avon order with you Handcrafted Soap & Candles My published books & other writing. Filled with everything I love! Vintage Sewing Machine Parts
quiltee Posted - Jan 25 2016 : 06:47:53 AM
I'm not sure, Sherone. I am still away from home and up in Michigan. I'm sure it is there and will get it when I get home in a week. Thank you! Just let me know if you need a microwave bowl potholder or apron or other items for other gifts. I'll be happy to make and send to you.

Farmgirl hugs,
Farmgirl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015
Linda O
Lone Oak, TX

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 25 2016 : 06:35:26 AM
I did get it, Linda. It is beautiful. Did you get my money?


Farmgirl Sister #93
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
quiltee Posted - Jan 23 2016 : 05:48:42 AM
Sherone -

You should have received the microwave baked potato bag by now. Please let me know it arrived.

Farmgirl hugs,
Farmgirl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015
Linda O
Lone Oak, TX

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
countrygrace Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 7:28:10 PM
Not a problem at all, will work on that this weekend... Working on some others right now.
More Ironing board covers.

Have it done & ready for you, Design is 4.65 x 7" 2 colors, Kelly green & golden rod, looks great. $15

Traditional Farmgirl Aprons ~Pattern from Grandma. ~ made by a 5th generation farmgirl

Etsy shop:
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 12:51:08 PM
Oh that is perfect. Can you work that one up for me and I will purchase it in February?


Farmgirl Sister #93
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
countrygrace Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 12:03:07 PM
Hi Sherone,
Here is an St. Patrick's embroider design I have...

Traditional Farmgirl Aprons ~Pattern from Grandma. ~ made by a 5th generation farmgirl

Etsy shop:
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 09:39:59 AM

Do you have any dish towels that would go with the St. Patrick's Oven Handle Towel that is on my Etsy Shop? I am going to give my Secret sister on of those for March, but wanted something to go with it.


Farmgirl Sister #93
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
naturemaiden Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 09:35:32 AM
Your welcome Sherone Handcrafted Soap & Candles My published books & other writing. Filled with everything I love! Vintage Sewing Machine Parts
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 09:28:27 AM
Connie, received the package! Absolutely perfect! Thanks so much!

Linda, Thanks so much! I will be look for it.


Farmgirl Sister #93
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
quiltee Posted - Jan 16 2016 : 10:23:51 AM
The package was mailed out yesterday

Farmgirl hugs,
Farmgirl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015
Linda O
Lone Oak, TX

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
countrygrace Posted - Jan 16 2016 : 09:27:16 AM
Hi Sherone,
I am still sewing new aprons all the time, right now have Kid's aprons on close out.
Embroidery flour sack dish towes, Ironing board covers & my Heritage aprons.
Thank you, Grace

Traditional Farmgirl Aprons ~Pattern from Grandma. ~ made by a 5th generation farmgirl

Etsy shop:
quiltee Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 12:18:09 PM
Thank you Sherone. I will mail it when we get to grand rapids. I'm on the road today.

Farmgirl hugs,
Farmgirl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015
Linda O
Lone Oak, TX

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 07:51:15 AM
Linda, I will send a check out first thing tomorrow morning! Thanks so much!!!!


Farmgirl Sister #1682

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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
sherone_13 Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 07:49:39 AM
Thanks, Kristine. I agree that there is a wealth of talent here. If we all tap into each others talents, we can only grow this sisterhood into a better thing. In a world of strife, this sisterhood is something I come to for hope that there is still good things in the world. Thanks to Mary Jane for creating such a place!


Farmgirl Sister #1682

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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!
quiltee Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 5:06:23 PM
Sherone -
I sent an email with the postage info. Let me know and I will mail out tomorrow.
Thanks for checking with your farmgirl sisters first.

Farmgirl hugs,
Farmgirl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015
Linda O
Lone Oak, TX

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
KristiW Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 4:10:16 PM
I absolutely love it that you came to the forum first for your gifts. We certainly do have many a talented gal here, and I think it's such a nice gesture to "keep it in the family"

Farmgirl Sister #6

sherone_13 Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 10:22:07 AM
Thanks, girls! That was so fun! I have a very lucky Secret Sister! She is going to feel very special for Valentines Day!


Farmgirl Sister #1682

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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way!

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