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 Miss Wilmas Pillows

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miss wilma Posted - Mar 07 2010 : 6:01:02 PM
So I up and done it again, couldnt stand for all that pretty ticking and feathers to go to waste. I have 3 pair of my bed pillows and one odd one.They are 20.00 each plus shipping

Farm Girl #96
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
texdane Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 07:48:20 AM
Linda, I think I was on that same thread.

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
quiltee Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 06:47:44 AM
In 2009 I had asked her to make me a set of bed pillows but I was the last in the thread and never got a response. Maybe that is when she stopped making them?

I saw the one on MJs site, but I am really looking for bed-size pillows. I guess I will need to look somewhere else for feather pillows.

Farmgirl hugs,
Farmgirl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015
Linda O
Lone Oak, TX

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 2:50:00 PM
I have four of her pillows. Do you know they were in the " FRIED GREEN TOMATOES" MOVIE? So every time I watch that movie I think of Miss Wilma. And of course when I go to sleep.
Nancy Jo
texdane Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 12:16:58 PM
I wondered about that. She and I spoke (years ago) about getting a set for my bed. I thought we were all set, but then I never heard back, then I heard somewhere she retired. I must've just missed her pillow making days. Would've loved them! Hope she is doing well.

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger
Red Tractor Girl Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 05:54:15 AM
I was so fortunate to have ben gifted a few of her pillows that are so vintage and sweet. They live on the bed in my spare bedroom and I just love them!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
MaryJane Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 03:59:55 AM
She isn't still making her pillows, but I had her ship me a stockpile before she ended her pillow ticking career.

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
quiltee Posted - Mar 01 2016 : 6:38:39 PM
Does anyone know if Miss Wilma is still making and selling pillows?

Farmgirl hugs,
Farmgirl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015
Linda O
Lone Oak, TX

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
quiltee Posted - Jul 05 2010 : 08:06:18 AM
Ms. Wilma -

I would like 2 of your bed pillows. If I read correctly they are $20 each? I live in Richardson, TX, but am hoping to soon purchase a 93 year old house in the country. These would be wonderful! About how far down on the waiting list am I and how long do you think it will take?

I may even want 2 more after I try them. LOL!

Rebekka Mae Posted - Jul 04 2010 : 09:22:47 AM
Gals, the ones Ms. Wilma is selling through Mary Jane are GORGEOUS!
Bella and Jack take the little ticking pillows you made them everywhere. Bella had hers at school this year for afternoon rest time- wrote her name in magic marker on it! I think it is the only thing she has ever worried about losing. So sweet.
It has been a long time since we last talked and I wish I was there to help you stitch all these pillows up!
Love, Rebekka

ruralfarmgirl Posted - Jun 28 2010 : 5:33:11 PM
Oh Miss Wilma...Looks like you may be busy with making a few more pillows...LOL... Now that my trailer is done and on the road... I want on that list too.... pretty please....

Circumstances made us FRIENDS; MaryJanesFarm made us SISTERS :)


Farmgirl Sister #185

MaryLD Posted - Jun 23 2010 : 04:57:54 AM
Miss Wilma,
I am about to leave for Haiti, and I'll be gone almost 2 1/2 weeks. If my name comes up on the Pillow List, please , please hold the pillows for me until I return!
( I kind of think there is a long list ahead of me, lol!)
Thanks so much!!
Mary LD

Haflingers- You can't have just one!
( I'm just one short of a drill team!)
Persephone11 Posted - May 27 2010 : 4:34:58 PM
After reading the rest of the sounds like you may have a waiting list for the bed pillows....please add me to it- here is my email address

"We must be the change we want to see in the world"...Mahatma Ghandi
Persephone11 Posted - May 27 2010 : 4:30:26 PM
Originally posted by miss wilma

So I up and done it again, couldnt stand for all that pretty ticking and feathers to go to waste. I have 3 pair of my bed pillows and one odd one.They are 20.00 each plus shipping

Farm Girl #96

Miss Wilma, I am interested in a set of your pillows. I am in elizabethtown, but would probably need them shipped. tried your email but got a not in service kind of message...let me know if you still have a set of 2 pillows-crossing my fingers!

"We must be the change we want to see in the world"...Mahatma Ghandi
just4karyn Posted - May 14 2010 : 10:12:36 PM
Miss Wilma makes the most wonderful pillows in the world no kidding I have one and I take it with me camping or anywhere I will be sleeping it's just awsome I can't sleep without it no joke.Miss Wilma is just amazing. We all love her.
Aunty Krys Posted - May 11 2010 : 8:01:41 PM
Oh Miss Wilma--count me as a follower! Your pillows sound fantastic! Please let me know when you have some more big pillows ready! My husband has one that was in my Granny's house and my momma took it when she got married in 1969. I took it when I went to college in 1988 and my husband claimed it when we got married! I have tried buying him newer feather pillows but he keeps going back to his old faithful. Maybe yours can convince him to give it up! Thank you and I hope that you get to feeling better!

Be the person your dog thinks you are.
ClaireSky Posted - Apr 22 2010 : 10:55:37 AM
Oh Dear Miss Wilma... I would love to have two pillows for my bed. I am emailing you now.

Farmgirl Sister #399
West-Central WI Farmgirls

Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog...Charles F. Doran
Patti Ann Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 8:14:54 PM
Okay....I have got to get in on this Miss Wilma! Put me on the list for two bed pillows please. What does the waitlist look like so far?

God Bless You!
miss wilma Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 07:41:51 AM
You are sweetie I am working with small pcs of ticking now and I may have to put out some ads for some large ticking, I would ask if any of you wants pillows to send me your address, it will have to be on first come. Cathy I am finishing yours today. I guess its hard to explain but sometimes I have several feather tics and sometimes I have to wait until I find more, So as I have your names and addresses I will just go down the line as I get supplies Thanks A lot Miss Wilma

Farm Girl #96
OneCraftyBugger Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 06:48:01 AM
Hi Miss Wilma, just making sure I am still on the list for the bed pillows.

Oh happy day!
miss wilma Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 06:02:58 AM
Mary, I sometimes dont explain myself. You get them thru MaryJanes farm. If you would like to see what they are go to her products page under pillows, also they are pictured good in the white back magazine with the bird nest on it. These are super for children, traveling or I love them to just buy an assortment and pile on a bed.I dont sell them except to her.Just wanted all of you to know she is getting a new shipment and the lace is beautiful.The only pillows I sell on the forum are the large bed pillows when supplies are available to me

Farm Girl #96
MaryLD Posted - Apr 21 2010 : 04:31:58 AM
Sorry to be a total newcomer, but how do we order the pillows??
~ Mary

Haflingers- You can't have just one!
( I'm just one short of a drill team!)
miss wilma Posted - Apr 20 2010 : 9:24:03 PM
Girls I just want you to know I am getting ready to ship those pretty little white pillows to Mj, you might want to get your orders in there are some pretty ones in this batch. Also the little white pillows and some others will be in a new movie next summer. Hall Pass or something like that, anyway it is Goldie Hawns daughter or son in law doing it. Any way I dont have many of the details, they bought them in Atlanta where the movie is being filmed

Farm Girl #96
Karrieann Posted - Apr 20 2010 : 4:14:02 PM
... I'm in heaven with my pillow and hubby is happy too with his! I have slept soundly and it had been years since I can remember doing that!
Thank YOU, Wilma!!!!!!!!

Karrieann ~ Farmgirl Sister #766 (29 Sept 2009)

My Blog: ...following my heart, dreams and Jesus
MaryLD Posted - Apr 20 2010 : 4:05:17 PM
I'll be wanting a set , so I hope you post it on this thread!
` Mary LD

Haflingers- You can't have just one!
( I'm just one short of a drill team!)
clothedinscarlet Posted - Apr 20 2010 : 1:46:50 PM
Good to know! I hope you'll be taking on orders still when you're caught up, Miss Wilma! I'd really love to have a set of your pillows someday!

Farmgirl Sister #1110
Siobhan - AKA Liza-Jane (my farmgirl name), wife to my best friend, Trent, and mommy to Camden (11/28/05) and Bennett (7/11/07). and Truman (7/28/09)

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