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 Basket weaving

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Vintage Sewing Posted - Feb 23 2019 : 7:20:27 PM
Does anyone have pine needles 10 inch or longer to sell or swap or know a good place to do business with?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
darlenelovesart Posted - Jul 21 2019 : 3:46:15 PM
That is a nice basket Judith.


Trust in your faith, not your emotions, when it comes to making life’s decisions.

I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment.
by Frances Farmer

Just follow God unquestioningly.
Because you love Him so, for if you trust His judgment there is nothing you need to know.

I trust in you Jesus...
FGOTM Nov 2017
Krissel Posted - Jul 20 2019 : 7:10:12 PM
These are very popular and very collectable! You did a great job on the basket Judith! Thanks for sharing a picture of the one you made!

Farmgirl#7588 Fishgirl Farm Chapter member.
Laughter makes the heart strong!
loribeck Posted - Jul 20 2019 : 5:58:57 PM
Wow Judith. That is beautiful. Was it hard to do?

Lori Beck
StitchinWitch Posted - Jul 20 2019 : 10:35:07 AM
Hi Lori,
Here is a picture of a little one I made years ago. It was fun but was the only one I made. I guess I haven't been around the right kind of pine needles lately.


Happiness is Homemade
loribeck Posted - Jul 02 2019 : 7:10:47 PM
This was an interesting topic for me as I did not know that one could weave with pine needles. I would love to see pictures of some of the things made from them.

Lori Beck
Krissel Posted - May 31 2019 : 7:41:04 PM
I'm excited to see you going for it! Yes please post! I love these little baskets and they are very collectable!

Laughter makes the heart strong!
Loretta Posted - May 30 2019 : 6:58:56 PM
Next week i am going to be learning how to weave with pine needle. I cant wait to see how it goes and share pictures.
forgetmenot Posted - Apr 09 2019 : 2:27:28 PM
I would love a batch of the long pine needles, Becky! I don't know anyone around here with the longer ones. Happy to pay for your time and shipping. I will email my address.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
Vintage Sewing Posted - Apr 08 2019 : 4:37:37 PM
I gave you tbe correct email address. But as of now I have enough needles. Thanks.
raglady Posted - Apr 03 2019 : 5:09:37 PM
I am back home in Idaho - tried emailing but it said it was not a valid address - do you still need pine needles? It has been raining so they are wet - will need to let them dry - did you want green needles? Easier to get because there is still snow! Becky
raglady Posted - Feb 24 2019 : 1:10:44 PM
I will email you
Vintage Sewing Posted - Feb 24 2019 : 12:03:39 PM
I am in TX for the winter and will get back home in Iowa around April 1. Learned pine needle weaving this winter so am looking for a source for pine needles. My email is Will talk more later. Thanks.
raglady Posted - Feb 24 2019 : 04:24:42 AM
I have lots of pine needles - but I am in Arizona until around the 10th of April - would be happy to gather some for you when I get home - Becky

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