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 Buttons, Aprons, Glitter and Goodies!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Peaceflheart Posted - Feb 13 2019 : 04:45:31 AM
I have a seemingly endless amount of buttons, aprons, patterns, and so much more! I need to seriously downsize due to my husband's health issues and if you are interested in any items, please email me at
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TexasGran Posted - Jul 18 2019 : 10:56:27 AM
Penny I certainly hope your husband is doing better. I also hope you are taking are of YOU! Care givers need to get out of the house alone, now and then. I know! God bless you.

Let God's light shine through you every day.

Amazon Children's Books, look for my name:Marilyn Robinson Godfrey
Craftsy: patterns for farm stick animals under my name.
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jun 26 2019 : 12:08:05 PM
Penny, I'm so sorry about your husband's health issues. How are things going now? I hope you are both well.

loribeck Posted - Jun 25 2019 : 7:33:48 PM
Penny, so sorry to hear about your husbands health issues. Hope things will be better for you both soon. Prayers for both of you.

Lori Beck
Krissel Posted - Jun 25 2019 : 07:50:48 AM
Hi Penny,
Could you post a picture or two in your sewing supplies that you want to be moving along? Hope you and your family are getting better daily! Thanks again for the posts and emails.

Farmgirl#7588 Fishgirl Farm Chapter member.
Laughter makes the heart strong!
ruthie218 Posted - Mar 01 2019 : 09:52:01 AM
So to hear about your husband. I am interested in all the items I will email you.
Ruthie Ann

Farmgirl sister#4072
Bluedog355 Posted - Feb 28 2019 : 8:56:51 PM
So sorry to hear your husband has health issues to deal with, I hope they improve - hugs to you both.

Will send an email, buttons & aprons sound lovely, thanks for being willing to share!

Farmgirl Sister #6578
Vintage Sewing Posted - Feb 24 2019 : 12:07:12 PM
I emailed you. Am interested in some of your buttons. I would like to know what kinds you have. Old ones, just plastic or assorted.
bertha Posted - Feb 22 2019 : 06:41:29 AM
Hey What patterns do you have Also I love buttons Hugs Bert

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