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 Looking for military material

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Joey Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 12:35:44 AM
My best friends son and his wife are expecting their first baby-a boy- in October. He is career Army. I want to make the baby some stuffed animals in military and camo fabrics and can't seem to find any here. I only need a quarter of a yard in each fabric and thought Someone might have some left over that they would be willing to let me buy or barter. Thanks for looking. Joey

Well behaved women rarely make history.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pstill Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 5:30:48 PM
I worked for a textile mill here in town before they closed their doors and moved upstate (they moved to Spartenburg, SC).... they specialized in military fabric, I have some of the camo digital pattern I can send you. My husband retired from the Army, so I really don't have anymore use for it. Im not sure how much there is, but you are welcome to it!! It's just sitting there on the shelf waiting to be used for something that I will never find a use to use it for!! lol Let me know

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~Mark Twain

Pennie :)
Farmgirl #5381
ZenGoddess Posted - Sep 02 2013 : 6:43:19 PM
Your very welcome, it will be here if you find you do need it : )

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Joey Posted - Sep 02 2013 : 6:23:11 PM
Thanks Cindy. I'm looking for material this week. I'll keep you posted and thanks for your kind offer. Joey

Well behaved women rarely make history.
ZenGoddess Posted - Aug 31 2013 : 6:53:45 PM
Hi Joey,
I Have Camo prints if you haven't found it else where. send me an e-mail.

My life goal is to Simply - Simplify my life.
Joey Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 8:45:56 PM
Thanks Rosemary. I'll check there. Joey

Well behaved women rarely make history.
Rosemary Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 7:01:14 PM
JoAnn Fabrics has fleece in camo prints. Might be nice and soft for babies.
Joey Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 10:43:23 AM
Hi Shannon,
I hadn't thought about flannel but that would work. I don't need much-maybe 1/4 me know if you have it and we will work something out. Thanks, Joey

Well behaved women rarely make history.
hudsonsinaf Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 05:40:38 AM
are you looking for cotton or flannel? I doubt I have any Army (we are Air Force), but I think I have some flannel camo.

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