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 Egg gourd seeds?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
melody Posted - May 01 2011 : 12:01:39 PM

Would love to barter with my handcrafted soap for some egg gourd seeds.

For a list of soap scents please visit my blogspot listed below.

Thank you-

Farmgirl #525
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laurentany Posted - May 01 2011 : 8:11:22 PM
Wow those are so neat! I wish I had some of those too! Sorry- I dont have any to offer you..I never even knew that these exsisted- so thanks for the post- I think they are beautiful!
Farmgirl Smiles,

"Little Hen House on the Island"
Farmgirl Sister#1403

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..

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