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 Wanted: Red or Burgundy Velveteen/Satin Fabric

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bluebellequilts Posted - Apr 28 2011 : 03:14:56 AM
Can you please help?

I'd like to surprise one of my third grade library "helpers" with my rendition of a Vermont Teddy Bear she's crazy about.

I bought the 15" white teddy bear yesterday at a thrift store (original tags still attached) I have a doll dress pattern, but no satin or velveteen scraps/remnants in my stash or my neighbor's stash.

If you have some 9x???? scraps of red/burgundy/dark pink velveteen, crushed panne or satin you'd be willing to trade for charm squares, 2-1/2" strips or fat quarters, please respond.

I thought I'd check here before heading to the fabric store.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." - Roger Caras
Farmgirl #1357
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bluebellequilts Posted - Apr 28 2011 : 8:49:30 PM

I sent you an email. Thanks for bartering. Please let me know what you'd like in return. Color preference and type (modern, traditional or novelty) would be helpful in assembling your package.

lwm Posted - Apr 28 2011 : 7:46:55 PM
I have a piece of red fabric 9 x 30 inches. It's red & similar to a velvet, not quite as soft, but should work for your project. I can mail it off tomorrow if you'd like it.

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