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 Thank you Elaine Berman

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
longbeachfox Posted - Apr 24 2011 : 7:31:53 PM
Received your package yesterday and it is soooo fun! I love the appliqued tee towels, tea, scarves, coffee cup hugger, and neat little handmade container for glasses (at least that is what I am going to use mine for :>)) The bottle is beautiful and will look great in the kitchen window. Thank you so much! It was like Christmas opening your package. God bless you today. Mary

Farmgirl # 2532

With God...Nothing Is Impossible!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
longbeachfox Posted - Apr 29 2011 : 05:42:51 AM
We had a showing for our house yesterday and had my new tee towels haning up. They looked so cute! Thank you again. Blessings. Mary

Farmgirl # 2532

With God...Nothing Is Impossible!

embchicken Posted - Apr 25 2011 : 03:56:18 AM
You are very welcome. I am so glad that you liked everything!

~ Elaine
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi

Farmgirl sister #2822

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