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 Vintage Ladies Smock Sewing Pattern?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
melody Posted - Apr 24 2011 : 12:19:16 AM

(Isn't this a great pattern? It's from the 30's. Just wanted to give you an "idea" of what I am looking for. A smock or painters smock type pattern)

(Here's another one from the 30's!)

Looking for a vintage smock pattern in good condition willing to barter with my handcrafted soap, balm, "whipped" shea butter, hand knit fingerless gloves, cowl neck scarves or hand embroidered red work dishtowels.

Please e-mail me.

Thank you girls!

Farmgirl #525

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penny Wise Posted - Apr 24 2011 : 08:57:12 AM
no sorry!!! so glad to know that they arrived!

Farmgirl # 2139
~*~ counting my pennies and biding my time; my dreams are adding up!~*~
melody Posted - Apr 24 2011 : 08:09:38 AM
Margo? Didn't you get my e-mail? They arrived yes and thank you so much!

Farmgirl #525
Penny Wise Posted - Apr 24 2011 : 05:08:23 AM
did you ever receive the box of wine corks that i sent??? hoping that the mail was reliable!

Farmgirl # 2139
~*~ counting my pennies and biding my time; my dreams are adding up!~*~

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