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 *Farmgirl Barter™
 Thank You Debbie Fischer! Love it all!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
longbeachfox Posted - Apr 23 2011 : 12:54:04 PM
Hi Debbie...

Just wanted to thank you sooooo much For the wonderful surprise. I feel like you know me with what you have sent on our barters together! The fabric is darling and would make a little girl such a sweet apron. Even a squashed penny that couldn't have been more perfect with the Lord's Prayer...thank you. I love the cowboy boot sign! And the quilter's perfect. Thank you so much for your generosity. I was just blown away...Many FG Hugs, Mary

Farmgirl # 2532

With God...Nothing Is Impossible!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Apr 24 2011 : 08:06:28 AM
Thank you farm girls, I love my farm girl pen pals and sending surprise packages to farm girls, I always try to remember what each of you love and collect, then go from there. I have so much fun.
Happy Easter.
Farm girl Hugs,
Sue Feely Posted - Apr 24 2011 : 12:08:09 AM
I'd love to add that I too, love to barter with Debbie. She makes a wonderful pen pal also!
OneHippieChick Posted - Apr 23 2011 : 9:21:29 PM
I love bartering with Debbie!

Susan ~ Farmgirl Sister #1978
Fiber artist, spins, knits, crochets, sews, weaves, quilts, soap maker, as well as various beauty products and some natural cosmetics
Working on getting my Etsy website and blog up and running - stay tuned!

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