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 *Farmgirl Barter™

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
adnama Posted - Apr 21 2011 : 8:40:19 PM
I have for barter 5 SPIN-OFF (it’s about making yarn by hand ) magazines.
These feature patterns and spinning how to’s such as
Spring 2007: Spinning basics double drafting
Serendipity heart hat
Handspun kool aid dyed socks to knit
The four generation shawl
Plus more
Summer 2008:

Fall 2008:

Spring 2009 :

Summer 2009:

Most of the covers have the lower right corner clipped off where the address label was. There is an ever so slight musty smell from storage in a sealed container but other then that they seemed to be in perfect condition. Some one that wants info on spinning is more than welcome to these, if there is interest I have access to other older issues also.
Terms: take all 5 together only. Thanks.
What I would want in trade is dried elderberries or started shoots. If you don’t have those, just the offer to pay for shipping would be fine.
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farmallgrl Posted - Apr 21 2011 : 11:47:52 PM
Emailed you!

Farmgirl Sister #337

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