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 Thank You Peggy Ann Smith!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
longbeachfox Posted - Apr 15 2011 : 4:56:59 PM
Hi my farmgirl friends...I am looking for a round loom about 6" across for lift knitting to make baby hats. I really don't even know what they are called. I don't know how to explain this any better. It is a round loom with pegs sticking up. You wind the yard around the pegs first one way and then the other way and you just lift the yard up and over to make knitting stitches...very coooool.

Does anyone out there have one they might part with and if so, what you would like in exchange????

God bless you today.

Farmgirl # 2532

With God...Nothing Is Impossible!

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LadyInRed Posted - Apr 29 2011 : 09:44:54 AM
Mary...I am glad that you loved the Swap too. And it is easy and fun to use those Knifty Knitter hoops. I knit so much that I prefer the regular knitting needles myself for making caps...but when I got those I did make a ton of caps that year for gifts and for the Cancer Ward at our Local Hospital. So, I am thrilled that you wanted them and could use them. Have fun with it and maybe we will have future swaps and barters together. It is much more fun than just going out an purchasing what you need or want.
Happy Knitting my new friend. And by the way Mary I got several compliments on my beautiful earrings at Bible Study last night. :+) Farmgirl blessings, Peggy

Farmgirl #1326

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
HealingTouch Posted - Apr 29 2011 : 05:39:40 AM
Wow Peggy you hit the jackpot! Aren't our farmsisters great?

Be Blessed,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

longbeachfox Posted - Apr 29 2011 : 05:36:13 AM
I received my package the same day you did! How about that???? I was thinking one or two looms...and look what you sent me. I was so thankful the directions were there, too. I started a cap last night and just wanted to thank you so much. They are wonderful! You think you got the best end of the deal and so do I You will be helping me to make baby caps for our local Crisis Pregnancy Center. I appreciate the barter so much. This is a wonderful bunch of farmgirls and you are one of them for sure. God bless your day. Mary

Farmgirl # 2532

With God...Nothing Is Impossible!

LadyInRed Posted - Apr 28 2011 : 4:33:05 PM
Mary...I got your Wonderful Pkg today! I will barter with you any time girlfriend!!! I think I came out ahead on this one! I am going to have so much fun looking through the old cookbook and the 1954 WA Farmers Mag. (put out three years after I was born). I am wearing the adorable red earrings tonight to my Bible Study Class that I teach, along with a Red Bead Cross that my son bought me. They look great together.
Loved the cookie cutters. I have been wanting to make some home-made dog treats for my two dogs and the dog cutter is perfect. The coffee sleeve you made is adorable and went right into my purse for my next
Starbucks stop. Love the soap! The skeins of yarn will go to good use as well as all the lovely scrapbooking supplies. I use them for MJF Mail-Art. The old Match Holder was cool too. I don't have a fire place but hey it is still cool to put matches handy for lighting candles (which I have a ton of).

Wow...hope I didn't miss anything. It was like Christmas at my house this afternoon. I was like a little girl. Oh, I know what I forgot to mention those Stunning blue beads. Oh my gosh...those are gorgeous. Thank you so much for being a great swap partner. I hope you received your package too.

Farmgirl Hugs and Smiles,

Farmgirl #1326

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
dazed81 Posted - Apr 15 2011 : 7:12:01 PM
I saw one here on the barter, was that yours Peggy?

Mamma to Ardyn Isabel (9-3-07) and Marek Owen (3-31-09)

An Original Farm Girl Transferred to a small town with marriage. 6 Buff Orpington Chicks and 14 year old "Boyd the Wonder Beagle"
You'll find us Blogging, Cloth Diapering, Breastfeeding, Sewing, Gardening, Crafting and Recycling.
LadyInRed Posted - Apr 15 2011 : 6:10:45 PM
Mary...I have an entire set I would trade you for or just the size you want. Let me know.


Farmgirl #1326

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Apr 15 2011 : 6:05:11 PM
Hi Mary, I will check our Wal Mart when I go to town on Wednesday, if they have one I will send it to you okay?
Farm girl Hugs,
longbeachfox Posted - Apr 15 2011 : 5:38:51 PM
Thanks Bren...Can you believe we don't live close to a Walmart???? Yep, it's true. We are out on the ocean on a peninsula. If I can't find one here, I will drive two hours and see if they still have them. Thank you. Mary

Farmgirl # 2532

With God...Nothing Is Impossible!

HookAngel Posted - Apr 15 2011 : 5:19:55 PM
it is called knifty kniiter.... walmart sells them

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