amyartgirl |
Posted - Feb 17 2008 : 4:05:17 PM I was wondering, and I know this is probably a huge LONG shot, but does anyone have the book called Pencil Dancing: New Ways to Spark Your Creative Spirit - by Mari Messer.
If you do and are wanting to part with it, I would love to either barter for it or if need be to purchase it. I originaly was able to get it at my local library and they took it out of circulation.
I started some journal exercises in it and had to return it and just did not think about to check it out again till now and dog gone it, no longer there 
I may check, but I cannot get on the site tonight for some reason.
So if anyone has this book, please let me know - thanks
Farmgirl Sister #21 Proud member of Bees w/o Borders and ArtFuL SisTeRs |