T O P I C R E V I E W |
sunshine |
Posted - Aug 02 2007 : 11:53:04 AM I figure this gives us plenty of time to do this
group will be of 11 people. (mailing in 10 items that way you don't get your own item back and get 10 surprises)
Since the last one is almost done.I thought I would host another one. 11 people per group. If we end up with more than 11 people I will make more groups.
This swap is about EVERYTHING Halloween! Orange Black you know
You will make 10 handcrafted things based on the theme- one for everyone in the group ( except your self). You will send all of your items to me along with $9.00 for return postage ( I think that will be the new flat rate box price). I will then send you a box with 1 item from everyone else in the group.
I will limit this swap to 11 people. but if we get more I will open another swap
The deadline to send items to me will be September 10th I will try to get them all swapped out and sent back to you a few days later That way you will have it in time to decorate
Deadline to sign up Aug 15th Mail items on or before September 10th
If you want to sign up post here and then I will send you my mailing information.
you can be in both swaps if you are please make something differnt for both swaps so people don't get identical items. But you have to promise to be on time not to hold up all the early swapers
Group members
1. Sunshine (early bird swap) promise 2. Smoothiejuice (early bird swap) promise
3. AliShuShu arrived sep 12
4. ck 9 sunshine's daughter 5. britchickny arrived 6. sewgirlie arrived sep 10
7. ktknits
8. Bonne arrived
9. Alee in mail sept 13 arrived sep 12
10. mkmomus arrived sep 12
11. Cheryl arrived
12. BotanicalBath(early bird swap) promise
13. GaiasRose arrived sep 10 14. createmyworld (early bird swap) promise
15. Naturecraft arrived sep 12
16. knewslady dropped being replaced by CK sunshine's oldest daughter
17. mommom arrived sep 11 18. mima arrived
19. BotanicalBath ( in both swaps) 20.createmyworld (in both groups) 21. smoothiejuice (in both groups) 22. sunshine (in both groups)
If more people want to join I will make 11 more slots open and then the first 11 to get to me I will swap out then the last 11 to get to me will swap out that way quick people get theirs back quick and slower people get these back in due time too. You will still only make ten items and get back ten differnt ones.
as Items come it I will post here as to which swap group you are in
group 1 early birds
1 createmyworld in mail as of aug 13 Arrived Aug 17 1st
 2 sunshine done Aug 14 (arrived 0)
3 bonne in mail Aug 15 (arrived aug 17 2nd)

4 BotanicalBath received (Aug 24 arrived 3rd)
 5 Mima arrived Aug 27 4th
 6 ck 9 sunshine's daughter finished Aug 30
 7 smoothiejuice in mail arrived September 4

8 Cheryl in mail arrived September 4

9 britchickny arrived sep 7
10 gaiasrose
group 2
1 createmyworld in mail as of aug 13 (Arrived Aug 17 1st)
2 BotanicalBath received (Aug 24 arrived 2nd)
3 smoothiejuice in mail arrived September 4
4 mommom arrived Sep 11
5 alishushu arrived Sep 12
6 mkmomus arrived Sep 12
7 naturecraft arrived Sep 12
8 sunshine arrived Sep 15
9 alee arrived Sep 19
10 ktknits October 4
11 Ck October 4
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 22 2007 : 07:33:27 AM ok so everyone has theirs I am now unsubscribed to this topic
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
GaiasRose |
Posted - Oct 22 2007 : 07:31:29 AM I got mine! Woot! I lov eit all I set everything out right away. Zoe got the hat an Gracie got the scarf. Thanks everyone!!
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose
Blogs: http://gaiarose.wordpress.com http://womonandsprout.wordpress.com http://youtube.com/profile?user=GaiasRose Homepage: http://ForestFaeries.etsy.com Birth is safe, interference is risky; TRUST BIRTH |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 22 2007 : 07:10:46 AM glad to hear it just one to find out about now.
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
AliShuShu |
Posted - Oct 22 2007 : 06:52:05 AM oh goodness! i'm so sorry! i've been busy with houseguests last week and then out of town until late last night... yes! i got my wonderful box of goodies week before last! thank you all so much for your wonderful creations! i'm enjoying them all so much!
Alison I think that if ever a mortal heard the voice of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day. ~F. Frankfort Moore, A Garden of Peace Namaste' www.shumusings.com |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 22 2007 : 05:12:31 AM Halloween Swap/alishushu Gaisrose do you have yours
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 16 2007 : 4:32:58 PM GaisRose yours is in the mail
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 15 2007 : 2:42:08 PM mommom alishushu do you have yours yet
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
Naturecraft |
Posted - Oct 14 2007 : 7:58:42 PM Got my package on Saturday. I love everything in it!!! Thanks farmgirls! I hope you all enjoy my creations also! Naturecraft |
ktknits |
Posted - Oct 14 2007 : 05:07:41 AM Got my box yesterday--the stuff is great--Thanks everyone!!
http://ktknits.blogspot.com |
smoothiejuice |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 5:52:42 PM thank you! |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 4:38:20 PM here's the tutorial on my blog on how to make them in the tutorial I am using hi straw. the ones ck sent used double sided satin ribbon. But you can use anything that will wind around the looms
Follow the links at the bottom of the post to see other tools you can use to make these flowers lots of these can be found at thrift stores and they have even come back in vogue in craft stores.
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
smoothiejuice |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 4:26:27 PM i think it is great i love it...how are the ribbon flowers done? is it a loom time of thingy? |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 2:39:12 PM I hope what she made was ok with every one it was a last second type of cover I thought it a cute idea the start of fixens to make a garland or pin to wear halloween
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
smoothiejuice |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 2:00:57 PM well.....stop me from passin out here...but low and behold guess what i got...my swap box...loaded with fantastic goodies...thank you everyone and to sunshine for always being an amazing hostess!!!...and thank you goes out to sunshines kiddos also!!!! happy halloween everyone!!!...jess |
createmyworld |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 1:48:52 PM mine came today!!! Thank you everyone, I love everything!!!
"He who works with his hands is a laborer, he who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman, he who works with his hands, head and heart is an artist." -St. Francis of Asisi |
mkmomus |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 12:18:03 PM Mine came!!!! I love, love love everything!! It is all great. It's Saturday and I am taking a bath tonight with that milk bath. The lotion is wonderful, my mother is trying to snatch it! I never had so many wonderful Halloween decorations. Thanks everyone Merle |
smoothiejuice |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 11:13:40 AM my mail is not here yet! |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 13 2007 : 11:08:20 AM any one get any of these today
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 12 2007 : 4:42:08 PM Christmas swap is started is any one up for it http://www.maryjanesfarm.org/snitz/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=14162
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 12 2007 : 4:19:40 PM Botanical bath got hers today and she is in Ohio so I would expect most of you to have it today or tomorrow
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
smoothiejuice |
Posted - Oct 12 2007 : 1:14:05 PM i really believe that my new postman despises packages and farm girl mail as he always makes sure something happens to it, or he keeps it longer than he should or people in france get their items before i do...or they send it back or lose it or keep it at the post office even though they could easily leave it at my door...or his new thing is to just balance it roadside atop my mailbox! I love the usps..so much that I have sent several recent packages dhl...just more trustworthy...and cheaper. |
Alee |
Posted - Oct 12 2007 : 12:44:56 PM I love it when farmgirls are all online at the same time! So much fun! :D
Alee The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 12 2007 : 12:38:16 PM I already replied to it
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |
Alee |
Posted - Oct 12 2007 : 12:36:44 PM Sunshine-
Sent you a quick email :D
Alee The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
sunshine |
Posted - Oct 12 2007 : 12:35:21 PM Mine is still hostage some where from the soap swap so I know how you feel and I still haven't received Gaisrose's envelope yet either
have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe my bloghttp://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/ my web store http://vintagethreads.com/ |