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 Fever blisters---

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melody Posted - May 13 2010 : 08:04:08 AM
Uggh...Once in a great while when I get really stressed I end up with a fever blister on my lower lip-Not attractive and painful to boot!

Anything out there to speed the healing process up?

Farmgirl #525
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
melody Posted - May 21 2010 : 09:38:49 AM
Beth...I had chicken pox when I was little, and for the very first time last year ended up with my 1st case of shingles. That was NO picnic. I don't ever want to go through that again. All the advice on this post has been just wonderful. I really appreciate all the input!

Farmgirl #525
Faransgirl Posted - May 21 2010 : 08:59:05 AM
Fever Blisters are a form of herpes virus, chicken pox and shingles are also forms of the same virus. It lies dormant in your body until something happens to bring it out. If you had chicken pox as a child it can be left over and there is no way to get ride of it. It is contagious while it is present (while you have the blister). Staying healthy and relaxed are the best ways to prevent outbreaks.

Farmgirl Sister 572

When manure happens just say "WOO HOO Fertilizer".
melody Posted - May 20 2010 : 7:45:27 PM
That's funny you should say that Andrea...I have been drinking gallons of tea which also contains tannin and my fever blister is going away a lot quicker than ever before!

I kinda like the idea of a couple of glasses of red wine though--Great excuse LOL!

Farmgirl #525
AndreaPaige Posted - May 20 2010 : 6:34:27 PM
I always have a few glasses of red wine. The tannins help dry it out. Hate those things.
melody Posted - May 18 2010 : 4:05:47 PM
Thank you ladies-----My fever blister is almost gone. I have been applying my lemongrass and peppermint lip balm religiously since the outbreak and boy are my lips soft--LOL! I am going to do preventative care from now one. Thank you for all the GOOD advice-I appreciate it!! (

Sherrye dear... You are right about the STRESS-I gotta learn how to RELAX.

Farmgirl #525
katalind Posted - May 18 2010 : 3:39:05 PM
I had a elderly friend gave me some advice about 10 years ago and I haven't had a fever blister since. It's a probiotic pill that you can get from any pharmacy. It's called Lactinex and there's 50 tablet's in a bottle. It's kept behind the pharmacy counter because it has to stay refrigerated. Hope this helps.
sherrye Posted - May 16 2010 : 07:27:11 AM
goodmorning melody, i am wondering if you are immune is an opportunity disease. when the immune system is stressed you will have a breakout.emotional stress or too much physical. my herb book suggest more barley grass or a green food. such as algae. parsley dandelion root. getting the ph balanced is helpful too.there are foods that aid the breakout. nuts are one of them. just a thought. only an opinion of one. lol happy days sherrye

the learn as we go silk purse farm
farmgirl #1014
Windsong Posted - May 15 2010 : 9:50:15 PM
Lobelia or Burdock work great. I take it in capsules.

Farmgirl Sister #758
Ingrid Posted - May 15 2010 : 08:38:49 AM
My daughter gets the blisters and the only thing that works for her is Abreva. It's expensive but only takes two days and they just dry up and go away.

Give thanks to yourself everyday for all the wonderful things you do!
natesgirl Posted - May 14 2010 : 10:43:01 PM
I use plain yogurt. It cools and makes the pain go away. Plus if you eat some five times a day it really makes the healing faster. You don't have to eat the plain, it can be flavored.

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
Bear5 Posted - May 14 2010 : 8:23:24 PM
Melody: I hate those things. I do the touch of bleach. It stings a wee bit, but does the trick.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
Marybeth Posted - May 13 2010 : 08:14:31 AM
A touch of bleach will dry them out and blow them away. MB

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