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 Just Feeling So Sad

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therusticcottage Posted - Aug 23 2005 : 3:00:11 PM
Hi All!!! I just had to share my feelings in hopes that if I get them out in the open I will feel better.

Ever since we found out that our property is being developed and we're going to have to move I have just been so sad. I keep telling myself that something better is coming our way. I think that my sadness comes from the fact that more land is just being gobbled up for commercialism.

I always stand on my back porch in the morning to have my coffee and look up into the woods. I listen to the birds singing and watch the wildlife. Now when I look at it I just wonder where all those wonderful little creatures are going to go. It just makes me want to cry.

This too shall pass and soon I will feel better about the whole thing. The feeling that will never go away is the sadness at how the land is being taken away in the name of progress!

"If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you are lucky enough!"
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Marybeth Posted - May 19 2010 : 10:23:36 AM
When "progress" took our little farm and all the neighboring acres I too was sad. I thought it would be ok to move on though but when that time came I just couldn't. I couldn't take down anything , my friends and children had too. I think I was numb for awhile and then before we moved everything out the place was vandalized by pros who took only resellable stuff--a lot of my collectables. I did move on and am happy on lots of new acearage---but when they tore down the house to make way for whatever my heart broke a little. We lived there 30+ years and raised all our kids there and this is the first time I have written this down--I think--no I think I did once before. It was quite a few years ago. Anyway I love where I am now and that will happen to you too, Kay.

"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!"
sherrye Posted - May 19 2010 : 07:13:31 AM
well darn, i am sorry you are having to deal with this. we are in a precarious situation also. should we stay or should we go. for us we know now we will be ok. yet our heart aches at the thought of leaving. so i know your pain. its good you posted this. i know when it first hit me we may leave i posted. the farm girls sure helped me get my center back. i seemed to here in their words most that....who knows God opens doors when a window closes. it just may end up being a better place you find. i sure hope so. hang in there and remember to breath softly and deeply. may the peace of God be with you happy days sherrye

the learn as we go silk purse farm
farmgirl #1014
sw80689 Posted - May 18 2010 : 10:26:45 PM
Kay-I am sorry you are going through this very sad and difficult time. It is like a death, you need to walk through the grieving process. It is a shame what they are doing to the beautiful land and animals, why don't they wake up!
I will pray for you to find a wonderful new place to call home with land and lots of animals to welcome you home:)
Hugs and Blessings

Farmgirl Sister #1393
*We are all angels with one wing, the only way to fly, therefore is to embrace one another*
prariehawk Posted - May 18 2010 : 10:04:36 PM
Kay--I forget who said it, but "The land doesn't belong to us, we belong to the land". It's natural to mourn when you're about to lose a part of yourself. Maybe when you walk through the woods, you can find a stick and dig a hole, and leave something of yourself--hair, tears, a ring--and bury it and that way you'll always be a part of the land. Also, when you move, maybe you can join a land trust that actively works to preserve the land. And I agree- "progress" isn't always as it appears to be.

"There is more to life than increasing its speed". Mahatma Gandhi

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Bear5 Posted - May 18 2010 : 8:12:30 PM
I understand how you feel. My husband and I are planning to move. Every time the plans get too serious, I too, start thinking about what the outside four cats will have to go through to make the move. What will happen to the family of owls that I hear every night, hooting away. Or, will I ever hear those or any owls again. I think of even the coyotes that come by when it is so cold outside. I think your feelings are normal. I am still working it out in my head.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
katalind Posted - May 18 2010 : 6:24:49 PM
I understand exactly how you feel. I live in a very rural area or at least it use t be until developers started coming in and cutting down trees for all these new housing developments, stores and restaurants. I've been grieving the loss of our small town charm.
therusticcottage Posted - Aug 24 2005 : 2:10:54 PM
Thank you, my dear friends, for your kind words. I have shed new tears as I have read each reply. I am going to allow myself to mourn for this place. I have only lived here for 5 months but from the minute we moved in I felt like it was my home. I plan on going to the woods, walking around the property, and saying goodbye. Then I will find a seedling or something to take with me when I go. So far, the search for a new place has not been fruitful but I know something great is going to come along.

"If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you are lucky enough!"
MeadowLark Posted - Aug 24 2005 : 1:23:56 PM
Kay, Let yourself mourn this land that has taken hold of your heart. Go out and commune with it, touch the ground and grass and let the tears fall there. Weep with the trees, send your energy and love in to them and feel their gratitude through you. Honor your place and thank it for blessing you. Then carry it's blessing to another place and it will live on. If you find a tree seedling to take with you this would be a special sign, or even a rock. Land lives on in our hearts, it never really dies.

Being is what it is. Jean Paul Sartre
Kim Posted - Aug 24 2005 : 10:46:42 AM
Maybe you could take something with you from you old home to put in your new home?


Be at peace with yourself and the rest will follow
connio Posted - Aug 24 2005 : 10:40:26 AM
Greetings Kay!

I share your pain. The same thing happened at my previous home. Wish that I had had all of this good advice to help me deal with the situation. The developers are heading in to the county where I live now, also. When will this stop? Greed seems to reign in our country.

Take some of this wise advise and hang on to it as you go through this difficult time.


showmemom Posted - Aug 24 2005 : 10:05:35 AM
hey kay-

i agree with the others who are saying it's not only ok but essential to pay attention to what you are feeling right now-sometimes that's the hardest thing to do because people tell us we "ought to" be doing something else, suck it up, move on and all that other bull. it's really ok to be sad over things that impact our lives and move our hearts. while i certainly don't want you to be sad forever, i do want you to spend what time you need right now over this ending.

praying that you find hope soon and that our good Father would send you an even better homeplace.

talk to you soon.

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
Victor Hugo
Fabulous Farm Femmes Posted - Aug 23 2005 : 8:40:44 PM
Whenever a dream "dies", it is only human nature to mourn it.Not only has your dream of living on the land you were renting died, but the spirit of the landscape is about to change, and you are mourning that too.We too have developers who have suddenly discovered the area that borders our land, and cookie cutter homes are springing up daily and the trees have ALL been taken. I almost hate to leave my place as I have to drive past the barren, muddy, flat plots that were once forested. It makes me ill. I imagine you feel the same.

If at all possible look for even a small piece of land now that you can own and be stewards of.Plant trees and shrubs for the birds.Scatter flower seed everywhere in the neighborhood you are in now, they will come up next spring and foil those rotten developers.
Love and good thoughts coming to you on the autumn air.
Barn Goddess Posted - Aug 23 2005 : 4:51:42 PM
Kay, being an environmentalist I know exactly what you are talking about. All the years we lived in the city we saw just about every stand of trees clear cut for development. That's one reason I wanted to move to the country. I agree with Clare....go through a blessing ritual for the land. It may take a while to find what you want, but it will happen. Keep us posted.
Mary Jane

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.
Clare Posted - Aug 23 2005 : 3:20:24 PM
It's important to honor what you're feeling, Kay, and to move through it. Ignoring doesn't work, and neither does staying stuck. Maybe you can create a letting go and blessing ritual for the land that you are on now. Honor it and let it know it. And ask to be drawn to your greater good for a new location to co-exist with nature.

(I did this at my mom's house when she moved out last year. I stayed behind, slept on the floor, and lit a tealight in each room of the house, went from room to room and offered thanks to it for letting us be with it for so long... my family thought I was nuts, but I had to do that. Endings are important. Jeepers... tears just sprung out of now where just now.) Hugs.XXX

**** Love is the great work - though every heart is first an apprentice. - Hafiz
Set a high value on spontaneous kindness. - Samuel Johnson****

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