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 East Coast Farmgirl's

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hotmamawillie Posted - Aug 25 2005 : 10:18:14 AM
Looking for east coast farmgirl's!!! I am interested in starting the MJF chapter of the apron society in the Frederick/Baltimore, Maryland. I am a true farmgirl living on a farm with cattle, horses, sheep and one very happy lucky pig.Our farm is a hobby farm with most of our animals as family pet's. Just this past year I am trying a crop of lavender with high hopes that this will be a cash crop in years to come. In the mean time I love to can all the vegeatbles from the garden espically love to pickle anything. So this call to other farmgirl's at heart to come join the FarmHeartFarmChick Apron Society located in Mt.Airy, MD.
See ya on the farm!!
Mt. Airy, MD
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Libbie Posted - Oct 31 2006 : 2:25:00 PM
I love that you have been able to "get together!" It's always such a great thing when farmgirls can meet up "for real." Yay!!!

XOXO, Libbie

"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe
hotmamawillie Posted - Oct 31 2006 : 05:57:19 AM
Margie and I have talked and are planning sometype of activity. I was beginning to think I was the only farmlife loving chick in the Baltimore area. Then Margie and I connected!!!

FarmHeart FarmChick
Mt. Airy, MD
Libbie Posted - Oct 26 2006 : 8:52:39 PM
Hi, farmgirls!!! It sounds like you are well on your way to being a Farmgirl Chapter. Is there anything I can do to help?

XOXO, Libbie

"Nothing is worth more than this day." - Goethe
newheart Posted - Oct 22 2006 : 10:14:16 AM
Gail, give me a call asap..I got email about apron for holidays...


Love of friends and family makes the world go round.........

newheart Posted - Oct 17 2006 : 06:55:51 AM
Hi again Gail, I am in Owings Mills Md. maybe 15 miles from you. I have your info and will get in touch with you asap....

MsCwick Posted - Oct 16 2006 : 10:00:58 PM
I am in Central Virginia. Not too far from Lauram actually. I'm in Farmville!
CabinCreek-Kentucky Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 05:00:34 AM
sounds like grande fun ... we moved to Kentucky from Annapolis, Maryland (i'm originally from D.C.) ... when i come to visit the family .. i'll check to see if there are any 'happenings' scheduled! have grande fun together!

True Friends, Frannie
Lauram Posted - Jan 06 2006 : 03:56:52 AM
I just now saw this post. I live in Bedford County, Virginia but I'm moving across the lake (Smith Moutain Lake) to Frederick County. I am originally from Maryland and in fact my grandfathers and uncles all worked at Sparrows Point. Anyway, I would be interested in making a connection too if there is still interest. Are you forming an actual chapter for this area?
lcesnick Posted - Sep 21 2005 : 10:06:30 AM
Hi Gail,

I'm in Garrett County Maryland, near Frostburg. My family is just getting started with our small farm and I would love to opportunity to connect with others.

I used to live in Knoxville (outskirts of Frederick) and love any opportunity to drive down and enjoy the area.

Let's keep in touch!


Originally posted by hotmamawillie

Looking for east coast farmgirl's!!! I am interested in starting the MJF chapter of the apron society in the Frederick/Baltimore, Maryland. I am a true farmgirl living on a farm with cattle, horses, sheep and one very happy lucky pig.Our farm is a hobby farm with most of our animals as family pet's. Just this past year I am trying a crop of lavender with high hopes that this will be a cash crop in years to come. In the mean time I love to can all the vegeatbles from the garden espically love to pickle anything. So this call to other farmgirl's at heart to come join the FarmHeartFarmChick Apron Society located in Mt.Airy, MD.
See ya on the farm!!
Mt. Airy, MD

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