T O P I C R E V I E W |
Marybeth |
Posted - Jun 16 2014 : 12:49:02 PM No not which came first..... We have 6 chickens--4 Buffs and 2 Marans. Lately well several months now one of the Marans and I don't know which one is laying a tiny egg--almost every day. They both used to lay nice large eggs so I know she can do it. Marans lay dark eggs. Real pretty. The tiny eggs have no yolks. My question is, WHY! why does this happen and will it resolve itself? Help me please. MB

http://www.smallcityscenes.blogspot.com www.day4plus.blogspot.com
"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!" |
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Marybeth |
Posted - Jul 03 2014 : 08:15:39 AM Thanks Juanita. MB
http://www.smallcityscenes.blogspot.com www.day4plus.blogspot.com
"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!" |
oldbittyhen |
Posted - Jun 24 2014 : 5:50:00 PM get some chalk powder in a color much differant than your hens coloring ( differant color for each of the two differant hens), put it on the Maran's behinds, when the small egg layer , lays you will know by the chalk color...old age, very young and going sterile are all reasons for the small, yolkless eggs, plus inbreeding, if you got your hens from the same place, it could be that the breeder is inbreeding...
"Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad" |
Marybeth |
Posted - Jun 24 2014 : 4:03:03 PM Melina, she is only one yr old. We got our chickens in March of last year. This has been going on for the past several months. Puzzling to me. I separated them for 3 days and only the Buffs laid any eggs so I still cannot tell who the culprit is. MB
BTW I love your quote
http://www.smallcityscenes.blogspot.com www.day4plus.blogspot.com
"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!" |
Melina |
Posted - Jun 24 2014 : 2:55:30 PM In my experience, it means she is slowing down and may stop laying soon. For good, not just for the season. How old is she?
The morning breeze has secrets to tell you. Do not go back to sleep. Rumi |