T O P I C R E V I E W |
magnoliakathy |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 08:31:59 AM This morning while leaning over the half wall to secure the hay bucket, Big Al licked me on the nose.OMG, I was so surprised, he is an affectionate boy, wanting his head scratched and rubbing against me, to get me to talk to him, but Kisses, this is a first and somehow it made all of this weeks prior worries disapper. Yep, goat luvies is a wonderful thing
When you free your mind your heart can fly. Farmgirl # 714, |
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
farmmilkmama |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 2:43:52 PM Ever since we got goats a few weeks ago, we sure are lovin' them! Big Al sure gave you a surprise, and one it sounds like you surely enjoyed! :) Is there anything sweeter than a goat kiss?
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde
www.thehmmmschoolingmom.blogspot.com |
Bear5 |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 11:49:17 AM How wonderful! I can see how those goat kisses could destress anyone. I don't have goats, but I know I'd love to have one of their kisses. Thanks for sharing. Marly
"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross |
grace gerber |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 10:42:47 AM Yep Goat Kisses are so sweet - I have some of my biggest billies with huge horns who throw a fit if each time I am outside I don't stop and give kisses... With that said, llama baby kisses are something that is beyond words... My little Dottie born on a Friday the 13th stops me everytime and give long and soft kisses that can melt anyone into a puddle. 
Grace Gerber Larkspur Funny Farm and Fiber Art Studio
Where the spirits are high and the fiber is deep http://www.larkspurfunnyfarm.etsy.com http://larkspurfunnyfarm.blogspot.com http://larkspurfunnyfarm.artfire.com
Ninibini |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 09:11:05 AM Awww... now THAT's a moment to treasure! :)
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!