T O P I C R E V I E W |
QueenofQuiteAlot |
Posted - Apr 10 2012 : 06:28:02 AM We got two new hives and bought two packages of Carnolian honey bees to fill them. You can see pictures and read about my adventures and misadventures on my blog. The bees are beautiful and amazing, and a little like a flock of chickens in that they are cheap therapy, you could watch them for hours. (my husband would argue the cheap part, start-up costs for anything these days is quite a bit)
Farmstead raw Goat Milk Soap 'n more Nubian and Miniature Nubian dairy goats http://muckbootsnaprons.blogspot.com/ http://proverbs31nubians.blogspot.com/ http://milknhoneysoapworks.blogspot.com/
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
windypines |
Posted - Apr 11 2012 : 04:13:27 AM I installed hive number 2 over the weekend. Now it has turned cold. Hoping for a nicer day to get the queen cage out this afternoon. I have Italian. My old hive is 3 years old now. Had a Mn. Hygenic queen in there. They have done well. good luck Michele |
StrawHouseRanch |
Posted - Apr 10 2012 : 11:05:53 AM Congratulations on your new bee adventure Dalyn!! Our surviving hive is also the Carnolian bees. They are pretty golden colored bees...and very docile. I think our Minn hygenic bees were a little more testy than the Carnolians. They seem to be pretty laid back.
Farmgirl Sister #3090 Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift.
"Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better."--Albert Einstein "A meal of bread, cheese and beer constitutes the perfect food." --Queen Elizabeth I http://www.etsy.com/shop/StrawHouseDesigns |