T O P I C R E V I E W |
Beemoosie |
Posted - Nov 28 2006 : 4:59:33 PM Charlie Brown Christmas tonight?! I love it, it is just about my fave, definately top 3 Christmas special!! Even if the kids won't watch with me, I sit and watch it! 
~Blessings Bonnie
...she is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls. Prov 31:10 www.beequilting.blogspot.com |
8 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Woodswoman |
Posted - Nov 30 2006 : 05:12:29 AM I watched it! Let the holidays begin!!! :) |
bohemiangel |
Posted - Nov 29 2006 : 11:41:27 AM i skipped it:( I watched gilmore girls instead. That show reminds me of my town. I do have Charlie Brown on dvd:)
"... to thine ownself be true." |
Beemoosie |
Posted - Nov 29 2006 : 11:39:47 AM Ohhh, I am so sorry you missed it, maybe it worth renting/buying? A year with out Charlie Brown....Ok I got a hold of myself here... It's from 1965...b4 I was born 
...she is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls. Prov 31:10 www.beequilting.blogspot.com |
therusticcottage |
Posted - Nov 29 2006 : 08:14:08 AM WAAAAHHHH!! I forgot it! I was so busy making purses for our bazaar that I didn't have the TV on.
Handmade delights at www.rusticcottagecreations.com
Visit my blog! http://nwfarmerette.blogspot.com/ |
Aunt Jenny |
Posted - Nov 29 2006 : 08:01:44 AM Dang! I missed it! That is such a sweet one..I remember watching it as a kid. How old IS it anyhow????? We were at the boy's pinewood derby last night.
Jenny in Utah Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies http://www.auntjennysworld.blogspot.com/ visit my little online shop at www.auntjenny.etsy.com |
willowtreecreek |
Posted - Nov 29 2006 : 05:42:57 AM Couldn't watch it I had class. But got it on video so will watch closer to christmas.
Jewelry, art, baskets, etc.
www.willowtreecreek.com |
Beemoosie |
Posted - Nov 29 2006 : 05:07:01 AM Hi Katie, Glad there is another CB fan out there! My kids even watched it with me!What a nice tree trimming tradition. Sometimes we have Christms music on but this year White Christmas was on, so we watched that while decorating.
I'll have to see if I can find that report. I have the CB Christmas CD and also another Jazz cd from Vince G(can't spell the rest of his last name!) http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6545283 Hey I found it! Neat article...those networks think they know everything! HA! 
...she is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls. Prov 31:10 www.beequilting.blogspot.com |
katie-ell |
Posted - Nov 29 2006 : 04:33:37 AM It is my fave, too -- the very top Christmas special to me. I usually decorate the tree while watching it . . . but this is kinda early for me this year . . . so I did watch it, and decided to rent the DVD/VHS and watch it again when tree-trimming.
Did you hear the report on National Public Radio yesterday about the jazz musicians who wrote the music for CB Christmas?? It was fascinating. Maybe it is available on their website. . . . |