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 Treats from your area

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nndairy Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 10:35:24 AM
I recently watched a youtube video where a dairy farmer in Maine showed a favorite treat of hers. They're called Needhams and they're "Maine's traditional potato candy". It made me wonder - what other delicious treats am I missing out on? Is there something special to your area or state that I should add to my list to try?

If your interested here's the link to Needhams:

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Audra Rose Posted - Feb 22 2025 : 2:28:29 PM

This is the recipe my mother-in-law gconveys.
You can have it plain over spaghetti, or top with chopped onions, cheddar cheese, or kidney beans. It's also good over hotdogs- they're called coneys.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
AussieChick Posted - Feb 21 2025 : 9:36:24 PM
Michele - I had never heard of Lefsa until we moved to Bend, OR. A lot of people in our church had Scandinavian heritage, so the ladies would get together once a year to have a big Lefsa making day. They would sell it as a fundraiser for Women's Ministry & it would always sell out fast. Yum!!

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
nndairy Posted - Feb 21 2025 : 5:38:11 PM
Grace - the old coffee shop in town used to make Italian sodas and they were delicious!!! Sadly, the shop went out of business.

Michele - we have a lot of fish fries around here too, but no lefsa! Might have to give that a try.

Marlene - What is the snicker salad? I've never heard of that.

Vanessa - lucky you! I LOVE cheese curds!!! My in-laws went on vacation to Wisconsin a few years ago and brought me back some of the squeakiest, most delicious, fresh cheese curds.

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

Audra Rose Posted - Feb 21 2025 : 5:04:57 PM
My mom and dad who live in Taylor Wisconsin sent me multiple bags of cheese curds. There are different flavors such as garlic and dill, bbq, maple bacon, and mango habernero.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Feb 21 2025 : 12:37:16 PM
Grace, those sound very similar to ours here. Just missing the whipped cream. Maybe next time I will have to add some!

Farmgirl Sister #528
Farmgirl Of The Year 2025
MBurns Posted - Feb 21 2025 : 07:41:41 AM
Well I found out Iowa is known for sweet corn, pork tenderloin sandwich,maid rite sandwichs,sour cream raisin pie,snicker salad,ham balls,taco pizza,scotcheroos,Iowa chops and rice krispes treats. We have one of the largest cereal plants Quaker Oats in Cedar Rapids. We have the Amana colonies which are famous for
German food. We have Kalona which has Amish and Mennonite food.

Farmgirl friends are fun. Farmgirl of the month 8/2016 and 9/2019
windypines Posted - Feb 21 2025 : 02:57:55 AM
Wisconsin is big on their Friday Night Fish Fry. Lefsa is a big thing too. Another use for left over potatoes.

Farming in WI


katmom Posted - Feb 20 2025 : 7:38:49 PM
Krista,, we have what we call 'Italian Sodas" over here, soda with flavored (vanilla or fruit flavor) simple syrup and
a tad of 1/2 & 1/2 cream.. and a dollop of whip cream on top..
That being said, I have also seen different recipes for Italian Soda... either way, YUM!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Feb 14 2025 : 1:30:00 PM
Right! I guess you need to take a trip this way now!

Farmgirl Sister #528
Farmgirl Of The Year 2025
nndairy Posted - Feb 12 2025 : 4:54:23 PM
Those sound delicious, Krista! Too bad Utah is keeping them all to themselves LOL!

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Feb 12 2025 : 11:37:05 AM
Heather, dirty sodas are what the mormons here call soda with added flavor syrups lol! We have a shop in town that sells nothing but sodas with random flavor add ins. Plus they give them all names too. My favorite is called a Jukebox and its Dr. Pepper with raspberry, coconut, and cream! Another really good one is called a T-Bird and it is Pepsi, pineapple, cherry, and maraschino cherries. I have seen recently that it's caught on for the soda companies and many are now making their own to sell in stores. Dr. Pepper just released a new blackberry kind. The store is called Twisted Sugar if you want to see some of their other mixtures. I did look at the locations but they only have locations in Utah lol!

Farmgirl Sister #528
Farmgirl Of The Year 2025
YellowRose Posted - Feb 12 2025 : 03:46:54 AM
Heather, it's good with crackers, bread, chips, and raw veggies. You can control the heat of the peppers by taking out the seeds and removing the ribs. Remember to wear gloves when handling hot peppers or don't touch your eyes or lips. Hot peppers will burn your eyes and lips.


Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
nndairy Posted - Feb 11 2025 : 12:37:34 PM
Judith - Taco's are a big thing here too - LOVE them!
Sara - I've never had hot pepper jelly. I do like hot pepper cheese LOL! Do you eat it with crackers then or bread?
Debbie - blackberries are big here too - I especially love when they make their way to the ice cream shops :)
Krista - What are dirty soda's? Sounds like it could be fun to try.
Debbie - I've never heard of Indian tacos! But I sure LOVE the purple Montana treats!! The huckleberry taffy is my favorite!!!!!! The jam is really good too :)
Vanessa - I didn't realize there was cocoa in Cincinnati chili. I just thought it was special because of the noodles!
Karen - those sound like a treat I'd love to try! Unfortunately, I don't think there's any around here and I'm not sure they'd travel well if I found a place to order them from. I'll have to see if I can find a recipe...
Cindy - Nathan and I LOVED doing the tim tam slam! I preferred hot chocolate with mine but he liked them best with cold milk. I wish we had an international food store close by - I'd get more of them! I might have to look into ordering some online. What is Vegemite? It sounds like a sneaky way to get kids to eat vegetables LOL!

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

quiltee Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 7:37:13 PM
We had a spudnuts donut shop in Illinois when I was in college. I loved them - a lot fluffier and more tasty than donuts. I wish I could find spudnuts here in Texas.

Vanessa - I'd love the recipe for the chili. I've never heard of putting cocoa in the chili, but have heard of chili with beans over spaghetti.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
AussieChick Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 7:28:07 PM
Here in Australia, it's Vegemite!!
Oh, & Heather - you might remember the Tim Tam cookies! They're always a hit here. At this time of year, people put them in the freezer & enjoy them frozen. It's too hot to eat them any other way. The Tim Tam slam instructions that I sent you are reserved for the winter months when you can enjoy them with a hot drink.

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 7:06:24 PM
Umm, Karen those sound yummy.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

Jokamartell Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 6:51:43 PM
Here in my area we have “spud nuts” which are a cake like donut cooked in potato water. Lol

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
Audra Rose Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 2:55:50 PM
In northern Kentucky/Cincinnati, it is a unique chili that is flavored with cocoa. It's served over spaghetti with kidney beans, chopped onions, and cheddar cheese. I can send the recipe to anyone who'd like it.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
debbieklann Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 1:59:21 PM
In Central Oregon, Indian tacos are a favorite...a piece of fry bread topped with chili, cheese, and all sorts of taco toppings. They're pretty yummy!
In Montana, anything in huckleberries!

Debbie Klann
Farmgirl Sister #770
2018 Farmgirl of the Year

"Well behaved women seldom make history"....Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 1:14:00 PM
Utah is really big on funeral potatoes, fry sauce, and dirty sodas. But I believe those trends are starting to spread.

Farmgirl Sister #528
Farmgirl Of The Year 2025
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 11:25:51 AM
Blackberry anything. We have tons of Blackberry Bushes that on our property and all over Coos Bay.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

YellowRose Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 10:57:08 AM
Hot pepper jelly over cream cheese is a big favorite in my part of Texas.


Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
StitchinWitch Posted - Feb 10 2025 : 10:45:27 AM
Tacos seem to be the big thing around here; taco restaurants and taco trucks everywhere.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple

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