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 My recent vacation

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jan 20 2025 : 2:41:47 PM
Ia orana!!! I just recently returned from an amazing trip to Bora Bora, Mo'orea, and Tahiti. I love traveling to other countries and learning all about their culture and way of life. These island are a part of the French Polynesia, which means their main language is French, but we did hear a lot of Tahitian too. This was my first time visiting a place where English isn't primary. Reading signs, papers, food, etc was a challenge lol! But my short time taking French in high school was enough to help figure things out, eventually! They love to say Ia orana ( pronounced yo-rah-nah) which is Tahitian. It's there way of saying hello and blessings to you. Here in America you can walk down a street and never speak to anyone, but over there, every person you pass will say Ia orana to you. We also learned to say thank you in Tahitian, mauruuru (pronounced mah-roo-roo). Did you know the Tahitian language only has 13 letters?! There are 118 islands in total and just a little over half are inhabited. Because of this it makes education difficult for children. Only some of the islands have schools, so many children have to take ferries to those islands or live at the school away from their families during the week. They also require kids to attend school from age 3 to 16. Also not every island has a hospital, making things a challenge for those who are pregnant or ill.

I did have some once in a lifetime opportunities while I was there. I was able to swim with black tip reef sharks, sting rays, eagle rays, and manta rays. The guide even had the sting rays swim behind us and give us "back massages" lol! We also learned how to open a coconut and make coconut milk.
Plus we got to see where they held the Olympics for surfing!

I highly recommend a visit. Especially to Bora Bora and Mo'orea. Tahiti is nice but very busy and for tourists. In Bora Bora and Mo'orea you get to spend a lot of time with locals and I really enjoyed that!

Our place in Bora Bora

One of the sharks I swam with


Our place in Tahiti

The reef from the plane. And yes the water really is that color!

Farmgirl Sister #528
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lacey Posted - Jan 23 2025 : 9:14:23 PM
What a beautiful spot for a vacation, and a memerable time Krista.

Rea Nakanishi
Farm Girl Of The Month Jan. 2022
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
– Pablo Picasso
Dreamer42 Posted - Jan 22 2025 : 3:46:33 PM
Gorgeous photos, Krista, hope you have a fabulous time!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jan 22 2025 : 12:59:16 PM
Here are some more pictures I want to share with you!

This is a statue of a girl who was famous for riding the waves which the Tahitians referred to as a God.

The Olympic rings

This is a Tahitian Temple of Ashes

A black sand beach

Did you know that parrotfish are what make the white sand beaches? They eat coral and what they excret is white sand. They said one fish can make about 1,000 pounds of sand a year!

Farmgirl Sister #528
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jan 22 2025 : 12:36:48 PM
Thank you Debbie. I missed you all too!

Judith, that is my favorite part. I would much rather spend time with the locals learning from them rather than a place designed just for tourists.

Marlene, their language is beautiful. It's amazing how everything they say consists of only 13 letters.

Heather, I would pack you all with me if I could!

Farmgirl Sister #528
nndairy Posted - Jan 22 2025 : 10:29:27 AM
That looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing (since that's the only way I'll be going anytime soon LOL!)

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

MBurns Posted - Jan 22 2025 : 07:05:39 AM
Beautiful photos. Amazing vacation. How fun to hear the native language.

Farmgirl friends are fun. Farmgirl of the month 8/2016 and 9/2019
Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jan 21 2025 : 4:36:10 PM
Krista, what an amazing vacation you had! The photos are beautiful and it sounds like you had a spectacular time exploring everywhere.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
windypines Posted - Jan 21 2025 : 03:12:53 AM
What a great trip Krista. You had so much fun, how nice.

Farming in WI


Wanda Sue Posted - Jan 20 2025 : 3:16:12 PM
Krista your trip sounds wonderful, thank you for sharing your experience and the pictures.

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
Farmgirl of the Month: Aug/2022

StitchinWitch Posted - Jan 20 2025 : 3:13:07 PM
What a wonderful trip; I'm so glad you got to experience all that. I agree that traveling is so interesting to learn about other cultures and customs.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jan 20 2025 : 3:00:53 PM
What a trip of a lifetime Krista. It all sounds so unique, wonderful and amazing. So happy you were able to swim with the sharks and learn so many things. Thank you for sharing with us us and the photos are beautiful. Welcome Back we missed you.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

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