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 Color of the year

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
StitchinWitch Posted - Dec 05 2024 : 2:03:45 PM
Pantone has announced the color of the year for 2025 to be Mocha Mousse.
That sounds like something good to eat but I was hoping for something a little brighter.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Dec 06 2024 : 1:51:25 PM
Not sure I like that color either. I was also hoping for something brighter. The red-purple sounds better.

Farmgirl Sister #528
quiltee Posted - Dec 05 2024 : 8:03:33 PM
Pantone sounds like a great idea!

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
StitchinWitch Posted - Dec 05 2024 : 7:28:36 PM
That sounds like a much happier color. I'll look at Kona's and eat Pantone.


7932 FGOTM 6/21 6/24
I'm old and I wear purple
quiltee Posted - Dec 05 2024 : 6:25:44 PM
I like the Kona color over the other.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
quiltee Posted - Dec 05 2024 : 5:51:51 PM
Kona's color of the year is a beautiful red-purple.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month
August 2015, April 2017 and June 2023

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
suny58 Posted - Dec 05 2024 : 4:40:50 PM
Oh Goodness. Thats so on the darker side of life for sure Judith! Maybe a nice teal to go with it will brighten it?

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro

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