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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nancy Gartenman Posted - May 05 2022 : 10:17:11 AM

Just a few more things that my kids will probably sell someday. HA.
Been reading a lot, and scrape booking. But I think the next few
days will be good outside days. Work on my plants and buy some
Having home made chicken soup for dinner. Richard just now
went outside to mow the lawn, again. Twice a week this time
of year. The leaves are starting to pop. Nice to see all the

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nancy Gartenman Posted - May 11 2022 : 07:50:16 AM
I do seem to have a lot of stuff. But most of the things I post here
came from my family, and Richards and of course Garage sales and thrift
stores. Richard had three aunts, and I had three aunts, plus Grand parents.
Most people at that time hung on to most everything.
Yeah!!!! really warm weather here this week planted up
lots of flower pots and hanging baskets.
Nancy Jo

nndairy Posted - May 09 2022 : 4:48:33 PM
You have the neatest stuff Nancy! Thank you for sharing it with us. I enjoy your pictures.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
MaryJanesNiece Posted - May 09 2022 : 3:11:51 PM
Nancy, that is an amazing jar of wooden spools! Enjoy your nice warm spring weather coming in. I wish we would shift more into warm. Things keep trying to come up and turn green, but then we get another freeze. Send some warm our way.

Red Tractor Girl Posted - May 06 2022 : 12:15:39 PM
Nancy, I love your jar of the old wooden spools. I have a few in a mason jar as well and it is fun to see what was in place long ago. Thank-you for sharing these interesting collections with us as well! It is good to hear that your days are warming up and now it is time to get out and play in the dirt again. Summer is a wonderful season after a long cold Winter and sometimes Spring.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
ddmashayekhi Posted - May 06 2022 : 09:35:02 AM
Enjoy your warm up. This is what I hope our last chilly day of rain and then our warmup slowly begins. Like you, I'm itching to get out in the garden and plant my perennials.

The chicken soup would hit the spot on this chilly day. I'm sure Richard will appreciate it after mowing the lawn! Have a wonderful Friday & weekend!

Dawn in IL

“May means long walks in the evenings, eating outside in the garden whenever possible, and lots of healthy, fresh salads to use up all the lovely summer veg that’s available.” – Sophie Morris
Dreamer42 Posted - May 05 2022 : 3:22:27 PM
Love the wooden spools, Nancy Jo! The younger generation just doesn't appreciate the good ole things from the good ole days as much as we do! Hopefully, your children will surprise you and be far more sentimental than you think! My youngest has already surprised me and he's the one who is far more trendy, fashionable and tech savvy than my other one! Makes me proud to know they really do listen and pick up the lessons we try to teach along the way!

Farmgirl Sister #7038

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