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 We have new sheep neighbors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 11 2020 : 12:51:55 PM
Just last week a herd of sheep showed up in the field in front of our home. They have been eating the field down. Yesterday my kids and I got to see them being moved from their field. It was quite exciting and they created a sheep traffic jam on the road lol. We then noticed that they moved the sheep to the field behind us. They didn't move far. I really enjoy watching them. I love the little things about country living! Makes me feel like a kid again. But I know it won't be long until they are moved again.

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lacey Posted - Feb 02 2022 : 2:27:41 PM
Ahhh so cute. I miss my herd of sheep and ranch.

Rea Nakanishi
Farm Girl Of The Month Jan. 2022
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
– Pablo Picasso
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Dec 27 2021 : 12:23:21 PM
Candy, it’s sad because they don’t stay in the fields around us so we don’t see the babies. They only travel to these fields to eat it down for winter and then leave.

Winnie and Dianna, I love our view. It has really been such a blessing to live here.

suny58 Posted - Dec 25 2021 : 5:56:39 PM
Wowser, gorgeous there Krista! How cool to have the sheep nearby!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
Red Tractor Girl Posted - Dec 25 2021 : 3:49:03 PM
Krista, the views of the sheep included where you live which is gorgeous! What a fantastic location to have your homestead, sheep visitors and mountains to enjoy every day!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
tigger9777 Posted - Dec 24 2021 : 9:00:27 PM
We used to have a lot of sheep.
I miss the spring lambs running, jumping and playing the most.
Candy Hogan #8283
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 26 2021 : 1:29:03 PM
We had sheep neighbors again this year, but they only stayed a couple days this time and never went to the field behind us. It was still exciting to see them around but I sure wish they would have stayed longer. We were also away from the house both when they came and left so we didn’t get to go outside and watch them walk down the road. It was kind of a bummer. I’ll be more on the lookout for them around this time next year.

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 16 2020 : 12:41:05 PM
Barbara, those are some nice memories! It was fun having them around. Now they are gone, I'm sad we don't have anything outside to look at. Next year we will since we are getting some animals. Bit I do hope the sheep will be back again next fall.

HollerGirl56 Posted - Nov 14 2020 : 09:14:51 AM
How wonderful to have seen this. I about cry when I see sheep because they just always go along with what they have to do. I am a goat person---ornery I guess. I can still hear our old farmer neighbor yelling WOAH sheep or something and they would come running to eat. Our neighbors in sight of our house also had sheep and we would see baby lambs there. Much sheep in my memories---and I can still hear Grandma fussin that those old sheep were by her building and smelling the place up---LOL>

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
janamarieje Posted - Nov 13 2020 : 7:13:20 PM
What a beautiful sight!

MJF #7110

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. ~Author Unknown
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt! ~Charles Schulz
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 13 2020 : 1:35:15 PM

This is when they were leaving.

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Nov 13 2020 : 1:29:44 PM
Lisa, Maylee enjoys watching them out our sliding glass door. She has been very well behaved and stays in our yard and leaves them alone.

Barbara, that would have been so nice, but they have moved them again. We were outside when they started to round them up, so the kids got to see them up close. It was exciting. Some sheep decided to not follow and tried jumping a ditch and fell in. We got to watch them be pulled out as well. I m not sure where they took the sheep but we can no longer see them.

HollerGirl56 Posted - Nov 12 2020 : 10:34:45 AM
The sheep are beautiful and I too love to watch sheep. I grew up by a little sheep field and it was such fun to watch them. Especially the lambs in the spring. I hope the sheep get to stay and you will get to see babies.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
windypines Posted - Nov 12 2020 : 02:34:01 AM
fun to see, that is alot of sheep out there too.

Farming in WI

FGOTM June2019

Dreamer42 Posted - Nov 11 2020 : 7:11:00 PM

Farmgirl Sister #7038
nubidane Posted - Nov 11 2020 : 4:40:58 PM
Oh Krista!!! What a view! What does Maylee think?
YellowRose Posted - Nov 11 2020 : 1:01:59 PM
The pictures are beautiful. Reminds me of the vintage English prints I collect of sheep. How fun to have them across the way so your kids can watch them.

Sara - FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015 & Feb 2019

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.

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