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T O P I C    R E V I E W
happymama58 Posted - Jan 28 2006 : 06:59:11 AM
I'm really sorry, but I can't email you my email address to get on your Kentucky Ramblings and other list. Every time I try to email someone here by clicking on their name, going to their profile, then clicking on the "send them an email" thing, my computer freezes! I tried 15 different folks, just to see if I could do it, and it happens every time. I'm sure it's my computer, and when dh gets back from out of town I'll have him "do something" (that's what he does for a living -- troubleshoots/programs/configures/etc. PLCs, computers, etc.).

But for now, if you could add me, I'd really appreciate it. My email address is I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but he'll be gone until the middle of February, and I'm really anxious to start receiving your messages!

Some people search for happiness; others create it.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CabinCreek-Kentucky Posted - Jan 28 2006 : 4:24:59 PM
Patti .. i've added your name to the list .. i think we are up to about SIXTY now .. i'm sooooooooo hoping that everyone on the list will love this class and love making dollies and will finish her/him! and remember .. to journal your journey and share photos of your dolly 'in progress' with all of us!

p.s. e-mail me your home mailing address for the pattern.

True Friends, Frannie
happymama58 Posted - Jan 28 2006 : 12:20:55 PM
Online dolly class? That sounds wonderful -- count me in!

Some people search for happiness; others create it.
CabinCreek-Kentucky Posted - Jan 28 2006 : 09:09:04 AM
thanks dearheart .. my e-mail address is ... i'm not too worried about posting it in an open forum .. it's at the bottom of all the postings to my delphi boards .. and i've never had a problem with it. i'll add ya' to my ramblings list right now! are you gonna' take the on-line dolly class? xo, frannie

True Friends, Frannie

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