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 I'm over the moon!....

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tina Michelle Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 8:02:55 PM
I'm over the moon!..come see why at my blog.

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13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bohemiangel Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 12:09:47 PM
AWWWW Tina Michelle, I have a mini schnauzer, hes not so mini now though. He is a big mini. Louis is his name and I about melted when I saw your puppy. I love them and yours looks like what mind did 3 years ago. Enjoy and keep me posted please!!!! omg love them

**~~Farmgirl Sister #60~~**
"... to thine ownself be true."

lisamarie508 Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 11:58:07 AM
Awwww, Tina Michelle, your new baby is so adorable. I just love his face!

Farmgirl Sister #35

"If you can not do great things, do small things in a great way." Napoleon Hill (1883-1970)

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Tina Michelle Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 10:06:26 AM
LOL my family thinks I'm silly when I tell them that yep..I'll probably make a tote bag to carry him in. :0)
we will be taking a jaunt on up to Pet smart this afternoon to buy him a toy..a spoilt guy has gotta ride along and come help pick out his new toy ya know...LOL oh gosh it has been years since I have had a yep..I'm having to puppy proof the house and learn the puppy signals for potty time and so forth...but I'm already won over by his lil puppy dog eyes.
And on the other side of the coin..I really think he'll help me lose weight.

~Seize the Day! Live, Love, Laugh~
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QueenofQuiteAlot Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 09:18:35 AM
I have a mini schnauzer- I remember when h was a tiny baby I carried in my purse everywhere I went!

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Nancy Gartenman Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 07:14:18 AM
Lainey Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 06:30:21 AM
Collin is adorable! What a wonderful present from your husband, I'm happy for you. I used to have a peacock named Colin, I think that's a great name.

Farmgirl Sister #25
Carol Sue Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 12:15:53 AM
I can certainly see why you are over the moon, the is the sweetest little puppy.

listening to the quiet moments
Farmgirl #39
Farmtopia Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 10:44:12 PM
What a cutie!

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therusticcottage Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 10:18:15 PM
He is so adorable. I have a soft spot for schnauzers. I had one when Missy was little named Max. I adored that dog. Can't wait to see more pictures.

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Tina Michelle Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 8:50:46 PM
It has been nearly 8 yrs since we have had a puppy..the last one was a border collie that I had to give up because I had a newborn and couldn't keep up with training and managing a border collie 6 month old puppy at the same time as chasing after a 6 month old baby that was learning to crawl and toddle.
Now we have a 3 nearly 4 yr old, a 7 nearly 8 yr old and a nearly 17 yr is a nice time in our lives to add a fur baby.

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Aunt Jenny Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 8:36:55 PM
Awww..what a cutie!!! It has been 10 years since I had a new pup!! I have two old dogs and one 4 year old that we adopted when she was a year old...STella, my 10 year old basset was the last puppy. I will for sure get a puppy when the old ones are gone..but three dogs is my limit..haha. I had a playpen to keep Stella out of trouble.

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
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Tina Michelle Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 8:13:52 PM
and he has a bit of it too..ha. I forgot what that was like..ha.
he's such a sweety and already knows where his little pet bed is..I have one of those wicker laundry baskets with liner and a towel in it for him and he knows it's all his..ha.
he's gonna be one spoilt little guy.

~Seize the Day! Live, Love, Laugh~
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nut4fabric Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 8:08:33 PM
Tina Congrats on your new little sweetheart. I envy you the puppy breath!!
Hugs, Kathy

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