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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bohemiangel Posted - Feb 16 2008 : 7:46:57 PM
Just popping in since I tend to not be on the computer on the weekends. I taught yesterday. It was a pretty decent day. 7th/8th grade are still kinda bratty but I'm seeing what will work with them. I just would do my thing and if they talked over me I didn't fight it, I was less stressed and exhausted that way. I hung out with the boyfriend and we did Vday last night. He got me flowers and 100$ gc to Victorias secret. He knows I like stuff from there. All I wanted was a card lol. Then we went to a delicious steak house (whats amusing is he's catholic and he suggested it) and had a fabulous dinner! OMG the new york strip steak choice is amazing. Today I helped paint the new store we're moving into. Then hung out with the family that he watches their house and ran around in town with the girls. We then had a nice dinner and watched tv. Just a nice lil weekend. I just felt like sharing since I feel lost on the weekends from you all. xoxo

**~~Farmgirl Sister #60~~**
"... to thine ownself be true."

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CabinCreek-Kentucky Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 07:24:32 AM
always good to hear your sweet cybervoice. i find that lotsa' gurlz don't much get on their computers on weekends. i only do if i'm at home. xo

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bohemiangel Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 05:51:11 AM
Thanks Tina, but I had nothing for v-day bf was away in the city working that was a day late :-P

**~~Farmgirl Sister #60~~**
"... to thine ownself be true."

Tina Michelle Posted - Feb 16 2008 : 11:02:30 PM
sounds like you had a good weekend Bridget. glad you had a fun Valentine's day.
hugs, Tina

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