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 papers, papers & more papers; Pinkroses

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pinkroses Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 3:39:40 PM
Today we had to go to a little town named Fincastle Va.
( a histoical town too)
We had to go the the main bank there, We signed stacks and stack of paper to get the loan for our retirement home
I thought we would never get through all the signing.
I told hubby, I hoped he knew what was in all those papers; cause he wouldn't let me read them.
We had to go the the health department next and more signing.
then a quick trip back to the bank.
Then we had to go to a little town called Vintion Va. to go to another bank
Then to pick up our meds.
I had to stop and eat my health bar. Being Diabetic type 2 if I don't get my regular meals and snacks I get sick.
So, I didn't want to past out.
Boy, was I glad to get home, I told Hubby that I felt like I had been gone for a month.
Hopefully we will get to do the foundation part soon.
I know at least we are finally getting started after years and months of planning and praying,
Hugs to yall Pinkroses(Sheila)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
levisgrammy Posted - Feb 17 2008 : 06:11:40 AM
isn't there a ot of red tape nowadays? Glad you are on your way to starting. yay!

farmgirl sister #43

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