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 Uses for Coffee Filters?

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HeathersHeartfeltStitches Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 09:10:28 AM
I have a new coffee pot that uses a basket, now I have a package of white coffee filters, Ideas on what to do with these?

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queenofdreamsz4u Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 11:54:23 PM
filter small amounts of fresh milk..I've done that when realizing I already used the last big filter for my stainless steel strainer.

Obviously, I'm talking about goat's milk


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22shortie Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 4:54:41 PM
We use coffe filters when we run out of paper towels...I line the bottom of a plate or pan when I fry food and put the fried food on it...they are really good for absorbing that extra grease. Also, if you ever have to strain a little bit of chicken broth or something thin like that just put a filter in the bottom of a strainer and pour the broth over it and it'll get the little peices of chicken out.

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kydeere40744 Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 2:37:09 PM
Heather - I just thought about this topic today. I was teaching a group of kids about photography and mentioned that you could use coffee filters to clean your lenses. One of the girls said "we are raiding mom and dad's cabinet!" haha.

~Jessica in Kentucky & Farmgirl Sisterhood #137~
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HeathersHeartfeltStitches Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 1:02:43 PM
WOW! Good thing I just didn't take them to Goodwill, I'm going to stash them away

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GaiasRose Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 12:56:01 PM
I use them for applique stabilizer. Works like a charm and is super cheap compared to 'real' stabilizers...

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La Patite Ferme Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 12:17:56 PM
I use them as strainers when I make juice. Takes a while, but works great.
CabinCreek-Kentucky Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 09:31:44 AM
oh .. by the way .. i got this coffee pot at Wally-World for only $12!!!!

you can also just run water through it for hot tea or chocolate too!

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nashbabe Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 09:30:51 AM
I have smooshed them up, dipped them in paint, and used them as a "stamp" or "rag" to create paint effects.

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CabinCreek-Kentucky Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 09:30:25 AM
great ideas .. we, too, jus' got a coffeemaker that has it's own filter. i love it .. cuz' it makes 2 16-oz cups IN metal TRAVEL mugs! and you can do the 'real' stuff in one side (that would be hank's side!) and decaf (moi) in the other!

i'm going to take them to lucas and sofia for an art project next time we go to toledo! xo

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Jeanna Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 09:27:18 AM
If you have a sewing machine that does embroidery you can use a couple or more depending on what you are sewing on, as stabilizer. Much cheaper than regular stabilizer.

Farmgirl Sister #41

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yarnmamma Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 2:12:25 PM
what wonderful ideas!

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Peanut Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 1:59:55 PM
A mouse died upstairs (ugh) and my little girl's clothes smelled bad in her dresser (the mouse didn't get into the dresser though). I scooped baking soda into the filters, stapled them shut and put one in each dresser. Smell gone!

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BarefootGoatGirl Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 1:53:18 PM
I use them to serve little snacks like goldfish to my kiddos when we are on the go.

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one_dog_per_acre Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 10:09:24 AM
I was surfing yesterday looking at paper crafts, and noticed something about coffe filter roses.

Farmgirl Sister #91
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PlumCreekMama Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 09:47:24 AM
I use them to wash windows. They work great!
mikesgirl Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 09:41:20 AM
When I was a preschool teacher, we used them for the kids to draw with watercolor markers and paint on because the colors would blend together. If you have little kids you could try that, or give them to a preschool.

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lisamarie508 Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 09:34:38 AM
I use them in the bottom of flower pots.

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kydeere40744 Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 09:26:16 AM
If you have eye glasses or camera lens, you can use these to clean them. If I can't find a paper towel, I use coffee filters while on vacation, etc. Hmm...other ideas:

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~Jessica in Kentucky & Farmgirl Sisterhood #137~
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