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 I am grateful for....(what are you grateful for)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Patsy Posted - May 13 2007 : 07:58:36 AM
I am grateful for:

Sunny days (finally)
Hummingbirds at the feeder
My new hanging basket of flowing purple petunias
Good neighbors
Good friends and relatives
Two wonderful (but ornery) cats
Smell of baking chicken in the oven

May God bless those who love the soil,


20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gateway girl Posted - Jun 18 2007 : 3:44:42 PM
I am grateful for my relationship with God and the saving grace of His Son.
I am grateful for all the trials and tribulations of my life that God has seen me through.
I am grateful I found my soulmate 5 years ago and married him 4 years ago.
I am grateful for my 4 children and 5 grandchildren with #6 on the way.
I am grateful for my parents and all of my brothers and sisters and their families; we now total 80 members of the immediate family; Holidays are a hoot!
I am grateful for my friends

I am grateful for my life.......

Guardian Angels surround me and keep all enemies from me!
Huckelberrywine Posted - Jun 17 2007 : 09:22:48 AM
I am grateful for each and every day, the sharing and learning that life offers.

We make a difference.
Annab Posted - Jun 17 2007 : 03:36:38 AM
I am grateful for living in this country and being able to freely go to church

my hubby, family, job, our land and being able to roam all over and not see a soul my dog health time spent with family

my joy for giving to others ability to cook and like doing it

good health, good friends

and lastly I am grateful for our military that fights, and has fought for all we hold dear pity for the ignorant souls in Washington who yet AGAIN won't allow the miliraty to dO THEIR JOB!!!
queenofdreamsz4u Posted - Jun 17 2007 : 03:16:21 AM
I am thankful for:

*God Almighty and His son Jesus
*My wonderful loving supportive husband
*My beautiful home
*To be able to wake up and create all day long everyday
*For my 4# furbaby yorkie "Miss Morgan"
*For traveling for most of my life and having the opportunity to meet so many people.
*For not altering any of the paths through my life...for if I had I wouldn't have met my soulmate
For my family and friends
For Gourmet Coffee

Peace, Stephanie
A Creative Journey

"hold close your inner child and always listen to the gentle whispers" ~queenofdreamsz
BotanicalBath Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 11:41:41 PM
I am thankful that I didnt have to have surgery Fri Evening! Ran into a bit of complications.... but they were able to patch me up and No Surgery! Yippee Skippee!


"I do my housework in the nude. It gives me an incentive to clean the mirrors as quickly as possible."
Aunt Jenny Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 10:01:37 PM
I am grateful for my life..for the good and the bad that have gotten me where I am today. I wouldn't change a thing.
I am grateful for my husband and kids..big and little, who work and play together so well
I am grateful for all of you, and for MaryJane who made it possible to meet you all
I am grateful for Mona..the perfect cow

Jenny in Utah
Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies visit my little online shop at
Annie S Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 9:46:48 PM
I'm thankful for my family - my husbands three kids and my two. Right now I'm praying for my mother-in-law, who this past week found out she has less than two months to live. I'm thankful for our 11 grandchildren on both sides and especially my dear husband who is with his mother at her time of need. I'm so thankful for my sudden need for a higher power who can guide me and my husband through this heart wrenching time. I'm so thankful for meeting all the wonderful women here and learning so much from all of you. I'm thankful for the tribulations that we have gone through - they just make me stronger and I know I can do better. I'm so thankful that I live in a country that doesn't know what it means to live in terror every day or to go hungry or not have a nice place to live. I'm just so thankful to live the life that I have - good and bad. The list can go on and on. I just have so much to be thankful for.

Peace and love.
RachelLeigh Posted - Jun 16 2007 : 5:55:32 PM
I am thankful for:
The life I have found through faith in Jesus Christ
My loving husband, parents, and siblings
My dog Kyle
Every day I get another chance to try to make a difference in at least one person's life - even a little bit!
The beautiful Earth we live on....God's majesty is breathtaking!

my blog: --- my etsy shop:

Carol Sue Posted - Jun 15 2007 : 1:46:49 PM
I am grateful for the breath I breathe
mostly for my relationship with Jesus,
for being able to enjoy the sunshine on my face,
to play in the dirt,
to play with the granddaughters
for life
Carol Sue

Life is short, enjoy every moment.
Alee Posted - Jun 15 2007 : 12:13:31 PM
I am grateful for:

My family
My family to be
My daughter
The forum and all the wonderful people I have met through it!
My pets
My freedom and country
and for the ability to work and make my life stronger and better each and every day!

lisamarie508 Posted - Jun 15 2007 : 09:27:41 AM
I am grateful for the wonderful, beautiful, smart, level-headed, ambitious daughter that God gave me (I am so blessed with this child). I'm so proud of her (can you tell?) I'm grateful for my husband of 18 years who tolerates all my projects and pack-rattitude. I'm grateful for such a wonderful, safe town to live and raise my daughter in. I'm grateful for my improved health. I'm grateful for so many wonderful and supportive friends; both at home and here at MJF. I'm grateful that my gardens are all doing so well.

my blog:

We come from Nature, we go back to Nature; health & happiness in between requires intimacy with Nature.
mommatracy Posted - Jun 14 2007 : 7:36:59 PM
I am grateful for our Lord and Saviour My two daughters My wonderful husband who still acts like he is crazy about me after 34 yrs. of marriage Our loving family on both sides. Our lovely home. The time to enjoy the things we love.
candismom Posted - May 14 2007 : 1:51:29 PM
I am grateful for
my Salvation through Jesus
My wonderful family and friends here st MJF.
A new grandbaby on the way.
Oh I could go on all day.

My shop
I sell Crabapple Hill Studio and other Patterns. Pluse lots of other handmade items.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Kathie Posted - May 14 2007 : 1:29:44 PM
.. I am so very greatful for My wonderful, Beautiful ,interseting , talented & loving Children.. My generous, loving ,courageous & adoring husband of 30 years.. our lives together that we've had.. good & otherwise..
The many great memories that we make when we are together..
& the ability that we have to do these things together..

My Terrific Family.. & Many Friends & Farm Girls!!!

Our health that allows us to appreciate this wonderful Plant we all share!

& the fact that we have the ability to express this all to each other.

In a World Where you Can Be Anything, Be Yourself..
Libbie Posted - May 14 2007 : 07:26:37 AM
What wonderful remiders of the goodness in our lives! This morning, I'm grateful for my two sweet little ones and the land and farm that we live on - the peaceful feeling of waking up to birds...

I'm also grateful for those times, like on a walk yesterday evening, when my mind can be quiet enough to realize that what I have is enough, and life is good.

XOXO, Libbie

In honor of Mother's Day, "If it's not one thing, it's your mother...
westernhorse51 Posted - May 13 2007 : 5:53:33 PM
EVERYTHING! every beautiful, blessed, good, bad thing.

she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands Prov.31:13
mima Posted - May 13 2007 : 4:11:50 PM
My beautiful family!
That God has always been faithful to me even when I wasn't very faithful to Him!
Living where we are safe- no worries about bombs dropping on us, starvation,etc - we are very blessed here and take way too much for granted!!!!
And of coarse all you ladies- my new friends at MaryJanes!!!!
catscharm74 Posted - May 13 2007 : 12:30:05 PM
I am grateful fo:
My sweet little family, DH, DS and our Boxer.
Being able to live all my dreams and goals
My Farmgirl friends for their encouragement

MariaAZ Posted - May 13 2007 : 12:09:06 PM
I am grateful for:

My family, and their good health
The roof over my head
Being able to make ends meet
Hubby's tolerance of my many hobbies, dreams and schemes

There's a lot more, but these top the list.

Visit my blog at
Bee Haven Maven Posted - May 13 2007 : 12:06:47 PM
I am grateful for my friends at MJFC!!! and so much more. My life is what I had hoped it would be. That doesn't mean always sunshine and roses, but a good balance between the good times and bad. The hard times make the good times that much sweeter!

Keep Smiling.....Bev
Check out my shoppe at

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