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 This is so true! About Gardening!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Killarney Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 07:13:11 AM

Seed Catalogs are our Dream Books.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jan 28 2025 : 10:48:03 AM
I love this photo, Connie!! For those who live in a place with a definite seasonal pattern, it is true that preparing for Spring means planning while the garden patch sleeps and gets renewed with rain and time before the next season.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
Killarney Posted - Jan 27 2025 : 1:35:27 PM
catalogs are to me now like the Sears Wish Book was at Christmas when I was a kid.
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jan 27 2025 : 1:08:58 PM
I love this Connie. It is so true. I have already started my dreaming and trying to figure what I want this year.

Farmgirl Sister #528
Farmgirl Of The Year 2025
Nancy Joplin Posted - Jan 27 2025 : 11:16:52 AM
Gardening is so much fun! And it is true about it happening all year. Plans and dreams, seed starting, all of it is fun! We expect magic. . .and we get it!

Nancy 8352
ddmashayekhi Posted - Jan 27 2025 : 10:02:55 AM
That is very true! I start dreaming as soon as my seed catalogs arrive. I love going to the bookstore to look through their gardening magazines for ideas. I also keep a gardening journal to job down my thoughts and ideas. Sometimes I even use them in the spring!

Dawn in IL

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt
Jokamartell Posted - Jan 26 2025 : 7:09:28 PM
Yes. It’s so true! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
Killarney Posted - Jan 26 2025 : 5:10:48 PM
Heather, we finally got more dirt than snow after our temps rose up!
nndairy Posted - Jan 26 2025 : 4:52:24 PM
Love it! It's still dreaming time here - it's too cold for any gardening. There's a little bit of dirt starting to peak out from under the snow.

“I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington

Killarney Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 6:10:33 PM
Tara, so great your Herbs made it thru that winter blast.
We got up to 50 today! My raised bed s thawed a lot.
Connie #3392
lovecatsandsunshine Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 4:47:12 PM
up to 40* today. Hubby and I were in garden working. Raised beds still frozen, so T-posts didnt move.
Very, very tiny broccoli heads forming. I think the row covers helping keep plants warm.
I had covered the parsley and thyme with domes and frost cloth. I looked today and plants are alive. I am so happy to see the herbs made it thru the polar blast.

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!
Farmgirl in SC
Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
Killarney Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 12:58:37 PM
lol! Sharon! Love that!So true!!
VegiChik Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 10:55:26 AM
I may have posted this before somewhere but it seems to fit in here. My daughter read a story about a husband, who upon seeing his wife applying post-it notes on her seed catalog until they were sticking out from every single corner, edge etc, said to her: “Wouldn’t it just be simpler to mark the ones you don’t want”?

When asked “How are you?”, I reply, “Better than good!”
Killarney Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 08:31:20 AM
Sara! me too!!! We can still do what we can on our level! At a MS support group meeting, the speaker said, "Don't look at things you love doing as giving them up completely, just you will do it in a different way"! I am so thankful, I never forgot that!
YellowRose Posted - Jan 25 2025 : 08:02:57 AM
Connie so true, my dreams are always bigger than I can do but that's OK because I'm a dreamer at heart.


Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.

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