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 Tomatoes Coming Outta My ears!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
katmom Posted - Sep 01 2023 : 3:00:12 PM
I swear, my SunGold tomatoes have gone Ape-schnip-crazy!!!

I can't give them away fast enough... and I think they are starting to come outta my ears,,, I have eaten so many, I am surprised I haven't turned orange yet!!

How pathetic am I,, I wouldn't let the DHL delivery guy leave with out taking a pound of them ... lol!

Anyone else got tomatoes coming outta their ears??

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Sep 25 2023 : 1:09:24 PM
Grace, I started getting a bunch of cherry tomatoes and couldn't keep up. So I discovered you can make sun dried tomatoes with them. I have been running a batch in my oven about every other day. I have seperated them into half a cup each and frozen them. They will work perfectly in my sun dried tomato pasta recipe. I am going to be making that recipe this week with my own for the very first time. Plus I can't help but snack on a couple as they finish in the oven!

katmom Posted - Sep 24 2023 : 7:22:27 PM
Well,,, update on my tomatoes,, still producing like crazy...
now the deer have discovered them and are snacking on the branches and knocking the tomatoes off...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
Dreamer42 Posted - Sep 24 2023 : 2:44:35 PM
Grace, what a lovely problem to have!! My mother in law is in the same boat! I have lots of tomatoes on my plants, but they are just now ripening. We've had several neighbors who have apple trees and the trees are breaking they are so loaded. We've been blessed with several bags of apples which I've been working on slowly but surely. Have some crock pot applesauce going now. Preparing to make several pies this week and can some applesauce. We may not make our annual trip to Hood River for apples this year since we already have so many. But, I'd still like too! :-)

Farmgirl Sister #7038
katmom Posted - Sep 06 2023 : 4:52:30 PM
Ruth, awesome... I always get excited with the very 1st tomato,, by the end of summer,,, I can't give them away fast enough! lololol!!!
Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
amomoffour Posted - Sep 06 2023 : 3:23:36 PM
I just picked my first two tomatoes today. I grew them in my high tunnel. The plants are around 6 feet tall.Can't wait to taste them.

Farmgirl # 8246

Ruth Farmer
VegiChik Posted - Sep 05 2023 : 11:17:38 AM
Giving them away here in N Michigan also! By the bag, by the box. PLEASE take some tomatoes! I remember planting seeds in trays late winter/early Spring & planting “a few” extra because, you know, sometimes they don’t all survive!!! Umm . . . they did- plus some volunteers from the last year - possibly the last decade . . .
Killarney Posted - Sep 05 2023 : 10:32:11 AM
Connie in MO, It really works!!!

Grace, thanks for making me laugh today! One for the tomato plant, one for you!! LOL!

Connie #3392
Red Tractor Girl Posted - Sep 05 2023 : 09:09:13 AM
Grace, I am happy to hear that your tomatoes have done so well!! Gosh, I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to have fresh tomatoes in abundance!! Yum!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Sep 04 2023 : 7:50:57 PM
Grace, that is awesome! I wish my tomatoes were going crazy. I really want to make some salsa this year, but my tomatoes are just not happening. I will have to try that trick next year and see if it helps my tomatoes.

katmom Posted - Sep 03 2023 : 6:10:01 PM
I am going to have to try it, btw, I like canned sardines on sour dough bread, one for the tomato plant, one for me,,, one for the tomato plant and one for me :>)

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
criley Posted - Sep 03 2023 : 07:26:15 AM
Connie, what a great idea. I am now looking forward to next spring so I can try it!


Farmgirl Sister #4938
Livin' the Life of Riley
Killarney Posted - Sep 02 2023 : 9:23:28 PM
Grace, It works!!! I have used sardines before, I found canned kippers at Walmart this year. They are bigger.

Connie #3392
katmom Posted - Sep 02 2023 : 4:55:02 PM
Connie,, wowzers! I never heard of doing that.. what a great tip.

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
Killarney Posted - Sep 02 2023 : 1:19:45 PM
Yum! That sounds great!
I had cherry tomatoes coming out my ears! I gave a bag to my son -in law 3 times a week all summer and I ate a ton!
I put a kiper in each hole when I planted them like the Indians taught the pilgrims to do! The plants were a lush green and went nuts with blooms!

katmom Posted - Sep 02 2023 : 12:53:17 PM
I think tonight I will slice, drizzle with olive oil and sea salt and 'roast' under the broiler for a few nano seconds, to go with tonight's Tuna fish sammies..

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
ceejay48 Posted - Sep 02 2023 : 08:10:24 AM
I wish I had some . . . they are a favorite of ours!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

my aprons -

living life -

from my heart -

Audra Rose Posted - Sep 01 2023 : 8:08:23 PM
Mine aren't as Gung ho as yours are! I gladly take them off my friend's hands and freeze or dehydrate them. I also made stewed tomatoes and okra tonight.
Now my okra is gearing up - I may need a ladder to reach the pods at the top!

Farmgirl Sister #6754

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