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 Over Wintering Bell Peppers?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AuntJamelle Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 12:22:01 PM
Has anyone ever tried and/or had success with bringing their bell pepper plants indoors at the end of the growing season?

I've found info here and there online on how this can work - you basically let the plant go dormant in a pot in your basement or other cool dim place.

I would love to even possibly save bell pepper plants for a year or two - I only buy a few plants each year due to the cost of buying the already established plants.

Just curious if others have had experience with this?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lady in Pearls Posted - Mar 15 2016 : 11:34:02 AM
I'm thinking the basement thing would work, maybe with a mild grow light. I'm in zone 9a and they're tender perennials here. I have a cayenne pepper that has ovevrwintered with no protection for 2 years, and it's mildly frozen a handful of times with no damage to the plant.

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