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 Cold Weather Planting

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YellowRose Posted - Jan 14 2016 : 11:14:06 AM
I hadn't thought about planting anything now but that all changed today when my sister and I visited our local fruit/vegetable stand. They have all the cold weather plants for this part of Texas.

I passed on the cabbage, lettuces, Brussel spouts, and broccoli but I couldn't resist one bunch of Texas 2015 Sweet Onions. Planning on putting them in pots along front sidewalk to house. Will use as green onions so they will be gone by the time it's time to put flowers in the pots.

Anyone else been bitten by the early planting bug?

Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14
FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015.

Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
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Daizy Posted - Jan 14 2016 : 4:15:37 PM
Hay there,

I have had the need for dirt under my nails also. I need to go get the onions!!! Im collecting a few plastic trays (think recycle) to start my spring garden.....and I'm getting antsy. Bring on spring!! But I'll plant onions for now.

I have only gotten one seed catalog so far and that always help with my cabin fever.

Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093
Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.}
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??

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