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 Tomato leaves holey.

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GoddessintheGroove Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 08:07:17 AM
Hi all,

I am making this a separate post. I have several tomato plants in raised boxed, lasagna gardening fill. The tomatoes are doing fabulous on growth. Our area is experiencing weird weather, so the common issue now is green tomatoes that should be ripe at this time...but they are not. I (and many locals) have had a problem with blight, am using neem oil and cutting away affected leaves.

Another thing I am seeing is holes in my leaves. Tons of them. Something is eating my leaves. It is not hornworms, but it looks like some type of caterpillar, as I am finding tiny black poop. I have not seen ONE worm. Are they invisible??

I don't do pesticides, looking for a safe method to get rid of invisible worms...


FarmGirl Sister #2245
"A journey back to the roots..."

"One girl's trash is another girl's treasure."

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GoddessintheGroove Posted - Jul 29 2011 : 9:32:59 PM
Well, here is my update. I went to the hardware store and bought BT ("When you see them, spray the leaves of your tomato plants with the old original form of Bt, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki. Don’t worry—you don’t have to remember that panic-inducing name; most people just call this decades old organic caterpillar killer “Bt”, even though there are other Bts that target other pests, like Colorado potato beetles. The one that stops caterpillars—ALL caterpillars, by the way, not just these big poopers—is the original Bt, the first one discovered: The kurstaki strain, often abbreviated “BTK”. "..from for the first time in my life. The next day, I found the culprits, dead...They look a bit gross, but if you have young boys, they will have a cool science experiment :).They were all over. I am not sure why I was not able to see them!

You want to make sure your BT is OMRI certified if you are strictly organic. It leaves a white powder that looks eerily like snow, but it works. You may have to repeat after a week, as BT dies off in the sun.

Good luck!!!

FarmGirl Sister #2245
"A journey back to the roots..."

"One girl's trash is another girl's treasure."

"Women with opinions, pendants, & KitchenWitches...all in one."

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Bear5 Posted - Jul 29 2011 : 9:22:42 PM
Just yesterday,my hubby picked off 22 very small snails under the leaves of the tomato and okra plants. The leaves were holey, holey.

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross
Room To Grow Posted - Jul 24 2011 : 3:41:03 PM
I am having a problem too but not holes...I have droopy leaves and they are yellow and black..I had blight last yr and when I took the plants down I put them in plastic bags and took them to the dump. I didnt plant my tomatoes where I did last yr..I have tomatoes but they are not getting red...just staying green and yellow

we have moved to our farm...and love it
Melina Posted - Jul 23 2011 : 11:18:48 AM
If they're tiny holes, like miniature buckshot, it's probably flea beetles. I'm having a dickens of a time with them this year. If you think it's tomato hornworms and just can't spot them, a cool mist of water (in the evening) will cause the worms to wiggle around and they can be spotted. Mmmm, free chicken snacks!

The morning breeze has secrets to tell you. Do not go back to sleep.
GoddessintheGroove Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 1:29:09 PM
Jenny, great idea! My son is the horn worm hunter, yet, he did not find any either. I did get some BT today, will try misting them this evening.

Originally posted by Aunt Jenny

Thats what I waS thinking too. I do best hand picking them..ugh...and throwing them to the hens for a treat. I have used other organic means of getting the worms but they never work as well. Kids can spot the worms..big or small...better than me any old time. I offer a reward (like a popsicle for every 10 worms..something like that) and they sure get alot of them that I never see.

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
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FarmGirl Sister #2245
"A journey back to the roots..."

"One girl's trash is another girl's treasure."

"Women with opinions, pendants, & KitchenWitches...all in one."

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Aunt Jenny Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 1:23:51 PM
Thats what I waS thinking too. I do best hand picking them..ugh...and throwing them to the hens for a treat. I have used other organic means of getting the worms but they never work as well. Kids can spot the worms..big or small...better than me any old time. I offer a reward (like a popsicle for every 10 worms..something like that) and they sure get alot of them that I never see.

Jenny in Utah
Proud Farmgirl sister #24
Inside me there is a skinny woman crying to get out...but I can usually shut her up with cookies visit my little online shop at
oldbittyhen Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 09:36:44 AM
I will bet it still is tomato worms, they are very small when first hatched...

"Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad"
GoddessintheGroove Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 08:29:30 AM
MyDakota, bringing a smile to my face on this chaotic morning :)...
Originally posted by mydakota

I can't help you with your tomatoes (I am sorry) but I just wanted to say I LOVE your screen name!

HearthCricket Farm. Where the door is always open, and the coffee is always on.

FarmGirl Sister #2245
"A journey back to the roots..."

"One girl's trash is another girl's treasure."

"Women with opinions, pendants, & KitchenWitches...all in one."

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mydakota Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 08:14:47 AM
I can't help you with your tomatoes (I am sorry) but I just wanted to say I LOVE your screen name!

HearthCricket Farm. Where the door is always open, and the coffee is always on.

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