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 Seed Saving How To Book?

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Ninibini Posted - Jul 21 2011 : 9:02:05 PM
Hi girls -

I would really appreciate a recommendation for a how-to book on seed saving. I only saved a few seeds last year, and really don't know what the heck I'm doing. I did see other posts about this, and I'm very grateful. But I sure could use a good how-to book!

Also - can I save unused seeds from this year and use them next?

Thanks so much for your help!


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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Fiddlehead Farm Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 10:29:06 AM
Go to and they have a book "Seed to Seed" as well as lots of on-line info on saving seeds. Most are easily saved as long as they are heirlooms. Only ones that are hard are the bi-annuals like broccolli, carrots, etc...they have to be pulled up by the roots and stored in cool dark place and planted out in spring to seed.
farmgirl sister #922

I ask not for a larger garden, but for finer seeds.

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Ninibini Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 09:00:05 AM
Thanks, girls! You're AWESOME!!! I'm definitely going to look for those books! I'm so excited - and I really love the paper towel test, Sharon! I'll have to try that!!!

Sharon - I'll send you some seeds!!! My garden is small - I don't need them all... And this year, my garden is amazing, not because of my black thumb, I assure you. I honestly believe it's these heirloom seeds! Just tell me what you're looking for!!! ;)

Happy, happy day!!! Can't wait to start reading! Thanks again!!!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Calicogirl Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 05:58:16 AM
Hey Nini :)

Tina Michelle (Small Town Living) recommended this book to me last year:

I just have not been able to start saving yet due to no garden, or a yucky garden :) One of the things she suggested I do is to take yarn, etc. and tie it on designated plants JUST for saving seed.

I have read that you may be able to check older seed by dampening a paper towel and placing a couple of the seeds on it to see if they start to sprout. I have NOT tried this and hopefully someone who knows can give a better answer :)

Oh, just found a link:


By His Grace, For His Glory
natesgirl Posted - Jul 21 2011 : 11:59:21 PM
You can save most any seed for 2-5 years dependin on the plant.

I order most all of my seed from Seed Savers, they are all heirloom.

They also carry a book called Seed To Seed. It's a very detailed, very informative seed savin and growin manual. I purchased it this year and have learned so much from it. I'm new to seed savin as well.

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
Ninibini Posted - Jul 21 2011 : 9:51:36 PM
Thank you, Lisa! I actually purchased a whole bunch of heirloom seeds this year from / Baker Creek - I am THRILLED with them! My yard is small, however, so I didn't use all of them; but if I can use them next year, that'd be great! I want to get in the habit of saving them from my produce, too, though. I'm learning - little by little, I'm getting there! :) Thanks again! Hugs - Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

nubidane Posted - Jul 21 2011 : 9:09:14 PM
You can try to save any seed, but as a rule, the only ones that will be true(in that you get the same thing you planted the year of the saving), are the heirlooms.
You can save other seeds, but hybrid practices will often produce a cross of many varieties!
If you order from Baker's Creek, you are pretty safe. A worthwhile investment, unless you like surprises!!!

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