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 Simple Rain Chain Fountain--you must make one!

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chickenladycris Posted - Jul 09 2011 : 4:01:56 PM

I was wandering the aisles of my local hardware depot this morning, after returning some spare parts leftover from putting in the privacy screen yesterday. Of course, I wound up in the garden area--surprise, surprise. They had hydrangeas on sale, so I finally got the hydrangea "Limelight" I have been longing for. And then I saw it: A nifty, make-your-own rain chain fountain. Sure, it was an advertisement, encouraging me to buy the most expensive rain chain they had, but the concept was killer. I had to have it. Who wouldn't need this at their house? I got the pot (plastic, but looks like real stone), shepard's crook hanger, submersible pump, tubing, and a clearanced, copper rain chain all for $50! It took me about 10 minutes to put together, which includes wrestling-free-from-packaging-time, and there you have it. My original, unique water feature, just waiting to greet guests by my front door. I put a couple of my glass floats in it, they look really neat bobbing around. It splashes a bit, but I love the sound the water makes as it flows down the copper chain. I can't wait until it develops that cool patina that copper acquires after a few years of seasonal exposure!

"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me
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chickenladycris Posted - Jul 21 2011 : 8:07:52 PM
Update on the fountain: Rain chain is working like a charm! And, my soon-to-be sink fountain hit a slight hiccup when the original "parts" didn't work out. But, all was not lost! A trip to St. Vincent De Paul thrift store later, and I found the PERFECT vanity sink faucet in gaudy goldtone finish for $3!!!! Wowza. My solar pump arrived today, so soon, my pretties, this sink will be ready for pictures!

"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me
mcorwin Posted - Jul 21 2011 : 7:54:48 PM
What a great idea! I really like the way copper looks when it ages, so I will have to incorporate copper. And I also love roaming the ReStore. See a new weekend project on my list now. ;-)

Farmgirl #3285
City Chick Posted - Jul 19 2011 : 05:11:50 AM
I can't wait!

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Farm Girl #790

chickenladycris Posted - Jul 18 2011 : 07:30:11 AM
I checked out my local ReStore (run by Habitat for Humanity, in case you've never been to one--great source for tons of things for your house-building needs!) and found a perfect sink for $1!!!! I scrounged around and found a homeless longneck faucet and some cool knobs that I can attach using plumber's putty to "look" authentic. Stay tuned for pictures of my sink fountain!

"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me
Calicogirl Posted - Jul 17 2011 : 3:13:06 PM

Very cute! Thanks so much for sharing :)


By His Grace, For His Glory
sidavis Posted - Jul 17 2011 : 2:01:46 PM
Just checked out Borganic site. This is so much fun and reminds me of the projects I used to do with the 4 girls when they were growing up. We lived 20 into the boonies and had very little money so we became very creative with the things around us. Brought back memories.

OK, I'm ready-Let's go.
chickenladycris Posted - Jul 12 2011 : 2:47:16 PM
Kristina, you are so smart!! I just checked, and found a deal on for a solar powered fountain kit!! OMG. I am going to put fountains everywhere now. Bwah hah hah hah....
Now I just need to find a vintage sink. My neighborhood birds are going to love it!

"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me
FieldsofThyme Posted - Jul 12 2011 : 2:34:01 PM
Do you think they could be made to run on solar power or wind? I love it!

Farmgirl #800
chickenladycris Posted - Jul 12 2011 : 11:43:27 AM
Wow, what great uses for an old sink. I have to decide, now, fountain or bird bath? Or both?? I just love outdoor projects like these!

"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me
nancypo Posted - Jul 11 2011 : 11:16:34 PM
Cute, I have done those kinds of things too- replicate a very expensive item. I love the sink too! I actually buried an old sink and turned it into a sunken birdbath. Worked great!

Be the change...
City Chick Posted - Jul 11 2011 : 10:14:40 AM
I love it! I was watching B Organic when they were making fountains from recycled things. This one was my favorite:

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Farm Girl #790

Turtlemoon Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 8:43:25 PM
luv it!

Raggedy Ann stuck in a Barbie Doll World

chickenladycris Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 7:18:04 PM
Kris, that sounds like heaven! I love having little spots to sit and reflect scattered in my yard. I always thought it was strange that people would do all kinds of landscaping, or plant a big lovely garden, and not have any place to park their tired selves and enjoy it! A spot with cushions under a big friendly shade tree sounds so nice...where's my book and large glass of iced tea?? I'll plonk down and join you in the shade. (I find that making outdoor comfort spaces, just like a big lovely garden, takes time...I've been here five years, and each year just seems to come together better and better.)

"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me
kristin sherrill Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 7:00:44 PM
That is really nice. I am planning a nice quiet corner under the maple tree and that would be nice there. I want a swing with wisteria growing all over it and nice soft cushy chairs and flowers all over. I am working on it.


Happiness is simple.
camiesmommy Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 4:02:38 PM
Way cool. You could also use that concept instead of a down spout for your gutter. I want one!


Work is love made visable. ~ TKahlil Gibran
chickenladycris Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 10:49:24 AM
Paula, I made the benches out of garage sale-find spindle headboards and a couple of 2 x 4's. They work great to perch on & enjoy the garden, or to rest a pot of flowers on.

"A farmgirl can never have enough chickens!"--me
StrawHouseRanch Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 08:17:14 AM
Well done!! I love the little white benches in the background too...very, very cute!!


Farmgirl Sister #3090
A Beehive is the ultimate Home Sweet Home
Alee Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 06:18:06 AM
Very cool!! I had never heard of those before! I might have to find one somewhere!!

Farmgirl Sister #8
CMac Posted - Jul 10 2011 : 05:18:28 AM
Who da thunk it?! I know the sound is wonderful but I am mesmerized watching the water run down a rain chain. It's like watching a stream flow by. Very relaxing. Good job!

"I have three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for company."
Author: Henry David Thoreau
LadyInRed Posted - Jul 09 2011 : 11:47:46 PM
That is adorable. I was just telling Pam (from the Porch) today when we met at a local antique store...that I really needed
some kind of water feature on my Porch because I love the relaxing sound of water. That is a very cute way to get that sound.
Thanks for sharing!


Farmgirl #1326

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be happy, to be passionate, to Be His!
embchicken Posted - Jul 09 2011 : 6:50:13 PM
That is so pretty - I'll bet the sound is sooo soothing!

~ Elaine
Farmgirl sister #2822

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