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 Crimped Wire Fence in Montana

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tea Lady Posted - Jun 21 2011 : 11:54:12 AM
I posted this in the Farmgirl Barter section but its not getting many hits - so I thought I would re-post it here.

I acquired some old crimped wire fence - 2 rolls that are each approximately 35 feet long. One roll is 30" high and the other is 36" high - the kind that is looped/curved at the top. Its lovely and aged and perfect for a farmgirl garden. However, it is in northern MT and I live in IL. If you can pick it up in Shelby, Great Falls, or Helena - its yours - no charge.

I do some work in N MT on a part-time basis for my old company. I was talking with an older gentleman and mentioned how much I liked all the old fence I saw around and would love some for my garden - and the next thing I knew, he gave me these two rolls. I gratefully accepted - before I found out how much it was going to cost to ship it to IL (my brother even said I could use his corporate UPS account). Anyhoo, its just cost-prohibitive for me to ship it.

Soooo, I'm hopeful there is a farmgirl in N. MT - or going through N. MT - and would like to have this lovely old fence... If so, send me an email. I will be going back to MT in July.

(aka Tea Lady)
Farmgirl #1819
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
StrawHouseRanch Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 07:26:30 AM
I'm dying to see what those chandeliers look like that you referred to. I'm relatively new to the sisterhood, so I haven't seen all of the previous magazines.


Farmgirl Sister #3090
A Beehive is the ultimate Home Sweet Home
Tea Lady Posted - Jul 22 2011 : 06:57:17 AM
Hi all - quick update - just returned from MT and was able to ship my fence home. What a wonderful surprise to drive into my driveway and see it on my front porch - it beat me home! Someone I work with helped me package it - so I cut out that cost - and the shipping wasn't as bad as I thought (however, I used my brother's fedex account - with his permission). So I have my fence, now I just have to install it - that will probably have to wait until fall. I'll post pictures after I'm finished.

(aka Tea Lady)
Farmgirl #1819
Tea Lady Posted - Jun 22 2011 : 10:05:57 AM
I saw (and love) those chandeliers and thought if it didn't fit my garden, I would share it with my farmgirls. Hopefully, someone will want it.

(aka Tea Lady)
Farmgirl #1819
CMac Posted - Jun 21 2011 : 12:09:50 PM
WOW! You girls up there should jump on this! I have it around my kitchen garden and it is lovely and functional. It also makes wonderful Mary Jane chandeliers. : ) One of you chapters up there could use it for that project.
Very generous of you Lorraine!

"I have three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for company."
Author: Henry David Thoreau

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