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 Garden Expo in Spokane

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YiberryYadeeKarin Posted - May 14 2011 : 4:07:17 PM
Did anyone else attend the Garden Expo at Spokane Community College today? It was HUGE -- vendors all over the place! And there were SO MANY people!!!! A success I would say! I got there about 11 AM and had trouble finding a place to park. I met up with a friend who got there an hour earlier and even then, 45 minutes after it started, she had a hard time parking, too! I came home with a Mtn. Spirea and a Blue Catmint.

I have quite a challenge right now as my sewer was hooked up last Monday and the front yard was dug up a lot more than I'd expected so I need to do something. I REALLY don't like grass very much -- what I have is mostly weeds and I don't spray. Wish I had a farmgirl friend nearby that could help me plan and plant!

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