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 container gardening

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pnickols Posted - May 10 2011 : 1:46:12 PM
we have moved into a house and I want to put in some tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and such, I was going to dig out a space but the landlord and the neighbor behind me are talking about replacing a fence and if they do they will squish my garden. I could either ask to move the space or container it. any advice on container vegetable gardening ?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HookAngel Posted - May 14 2011 : 12:05:33 PM
I had great success two years ago with a container garden. This year we are in a new place and again have containers with: cucumbers and bell peppers( in a topsyturvy hanger), lettuce, radishes, a pan patty squash bush and two types of basil. I love your ladies blogs too... thanks for sharing.
rebekahj Posted - May 12 2011 : 3:23:28 PM
Hi! Thanks Corrine! I love yours too. I was reading it forever this morning.

Urban-Farmgirl Sister #2173
Nancy Gartenman Posted - May 12 2011 : 2:45:15 PM
Good dirt mixed with a little peat moss.
BarefootGoatGirl Posted - May 12 2011 : 12:01:14 PM
i've grown just about everything in the other ladies said, good dranage and pleanty of root room. rebekah...i love your blog! i just can't wait to get settled in my new home to try out a few of these ideas! i added you to my list of farmgirl bloggers on my blog.
rebekahj Posted - May 12 2011 : 11:37:15 AM
I took a class on growing tomatoes in pots. You can look on my blog if you want to find some links to some great information. I followed all of the advice and my tomatoes are growing like crazy right now. Good luck!

Urban-Farmgirl Sister #2173
homsteddinmom Posted - May 12 2011 : 09:02:50 AM
you can use 5 gallon buckets! If you have a sams club close go ask at the bakery for there buckets! they give them away for free~

Homesteading Mom in East Texas. Raising chickens, Rabbits and goats here on my farm!
pnickols Posted - May 11 2011 : 2:17:21 PM
sounds good, I was thinking I might have no veggies this year
Heartbroken farmgirl Posted - May 11 2011 : 08:37:18 AM
Can't go w/o a garden due to a fence!! The big rubbermade containers work really well. Just make sure they have lots of drain holes. I had really great luck with them. Stores like Biglots and Kmart have them on sale often, so watch for specials. They can be really pricey, but on sale they can get as low as $5.00!

The tears I shed then, watered the flowers I harvest now.

"The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values."-Dean William Ralph Inge
emsmommy5 Posted - May 11 2011 : 07:35:46 AM
Check out the plans for the self watering buckets on the mother earth news website. Dh made me several so far. Apparently they work quite well. I have lots of things in 5 gallon buckets!

Do what you love, love what you do.
embchicken Posted - May 10 2011 : 3:48:25 PM
Also make sure the pots are deep enough for root growth!

~ Elaine
Farmgirl sister #2822

"Find yourself a cup of tea; the teapot is behind you. Now tell me about hundreds of things." ~Saki

Fiddlehead Farm Posted - May 10 2011 : 3:05:53 PM
I have grown potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and lettuce in containers. Just make sure to have good drainage holes and not overcrowd the plants. Also important in container gardening is a regular water and feeding schedule. Containers dry out faster than the ground.
farmgirl sister #922

Happy to be a "Raggedy Ann" in a Barbie World!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
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