Could any girls send me your email address so that I could send out emails when necessary? Also, do any of you have a facebook? Should we have a group promoting the Hotties there? Just ideas. I did not want to post this on the bulletin board as I wanted to see your feedback.
I am working on a Welcome/Beginners Guide to post in the bulletins for anyone just coming into the group or for reference. What about a blog? Let me know. I'd like your ideas or vote. LOL.
I am actually going to delete the one in the Gulf Coast Farmgirls and just have this posting here!
Eventually, I'd like to have a newsletter connecting the various sections of Texas and to be sent out, either by email or snail-mail. This will probably have to wait until we have more members though.
Answer: I'm not sure. That's a good question. lol. That's why I am just throwing ideas out there! :D And... I am thinking facebook could bring more Texas girls to MJF!