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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jun 01 2022 : 11:44:44 AM
Hi Farmgirls, here we are with June opening up the annual celebration of National Dairy Month that we do here. Heather Never has posted her fun swap and I have the privilege of hosting a giveaway of MaryJane's book, Milk Cow Kitchen.

To have your name thrown in the milk bucket, please leave a post with a cow story you have, a real dairy that you visited where milk is made into all sorts of products, or simply your favorite breed of cow that you love to see. If you happen to have any photos of cows, please post them as well. I will remind MaryJane to check this link for some Farmgirl chat on one of her favorite farming endeavors.

A Winner will be chosen on June 15 and I will request your mailing address so that the Home Office can mail the book out to you.

This great book is filled with wonderful recipes, photos, how to's , and lots of topics. It even has some pointers if you just want to have a backyard cow on your farm instead of a herd of them. I know I have enjoyed many of the recipes from this book and I never tire of reading all the information. If I didn't live in the city, I sure would seriously consider a backyard cow and a little Shetland pony to keep it company.

I can't wait to read what you post!

I am excited to announce that Krista is the winner of Milk Cow Kitchen book this year!! Congratulations, Krista and I hope you enjoy. A copy will be enroute to you from the Home Office.

A big thanks to all of your who left such great cow stories! They were all really fun to read too.

I hope everyone is enjoying National Dairy Month. With so much hot weather, I think ice cream is in order! Hot miserable weather is a perfect excuse to enjoy your favorite flavors. While I love many different flavors, I think my favorite is still Vanilla Bean. What is your favorite??

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tigger9777 Posted - Jul 02 2022 : 12:05:46 AM
Congratulations Krista on being the winner, enjoy your book. I love cattle too.

Sister # 8283
Farmgirl of the Year 2022
Farmgirl of the Month Dec 2021
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"Everything Counts, Someday Eventually"
JeanP Posted - Jun 20 2022 : 8:01:07 PM
Yaaaaay Krista -- you and that book go together like milk & cookies. Congratulations and enjoy . . .

"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."
. . . .Stephen Hawking
nndairy Posted - Jun 20 2022 : 6:07:45 PM
Congrats Krista! You're going to love it. It's a fantastic book. I highly recommend the white chili recipe in it :)

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
Dreamer42 Posted - Jun 20 2022 : 5:52:34 PM
Congratulations, Krista! Hoping you don't have to remove your sweet Lil stubborn girl, Freya! Maybe it's just a phase!?

Farmgirl Sister #7038
katmom Posted - Jun 20 2022 : 3:27:41 PM
Krista,, Congrats on winning your new book, to settle down on a comfy sofa,,, after the kiddos are asleep, and read while sipping a lovely cup of milk or herbal tea...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
Blessed in Colorado Posted - Jun 20 2022 : 1:48:02 PM
Congratulations Krista.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012 and February 2018
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple !!

StitchinWitch Posted - Jun 20 2022 : 1:33:19 PM
Congratulations Krista! Good luck with Freya; you might want to try goats instead :-)


7932 FGOTM 6/21
I'm old and I do wear purple
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jun 20 2022 : 1:26:01 PM
Oh my goodness Judith! I can feel you pain lol! This is exactly how Freya acts. Not sure I want to deal with her always busting out. We may need to rehome her before she gets to big to control.

Oh Winnie! Thank you so much! I’m so excited! I am really looking forward to it. Now I have another reason to get me another dairy cow. They are just so sweet. Thank you so much!

nndairy Posted - Jun 18 2022 : 6:37:54 PM
Judith - I can not quit laughing!!!!! I really never knew Angus were so high strung.

Krista - I don't think my sister was really hurt - mostly just shocked.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
StitchinWitch Posted - Jun 17 2022 : 2:50:28 PM
We had lived in the country for several years when we decided we needed a cow. We had built good fences around several pastures. I had always wanted a Brown Swiss -- just loved their eyes and they are good producers. One day there was an ad in the paper for a 3 month old Brown Swiss and I talked my husband into buying it. I called the number and the man said he wouldn't be home that evening but his mother would be there. We went to pick up the calf and I thought looked a bit dark but the guys mother who didn''t speak English just kept saying si, Brown Swiss. So we brought her home, named her Hildegard, and watched her grow. She kept getting darker. She was not friendly no matter how much time we tried to spend with her. There was no way we could get her in a trailer to be bred. She flattened barbed wire and fence posts. My usual method of catching her when she got out was to put some grain in a bucket and she would follow me back to the gate. The last time I did that she came charging at at full speed and I just tossed the bucket and ran for my life. After three years of this my hopes of a nice milk cow was had vanished, especially when a friend stopped by and told us what a nice Angus we had. One summer day the air was full of 104 degree heat and mosquitoes. Once again Hildegard broke down a fence and took off. After trying to get her back in for several hours I had enough and told my husband I was going to run her down. He grabbed his deer rifle and beat me to it. The butcher came and we had three years of the most delicious beef I had ever had before or since. We gave up on cows and got goats instead.


7932 FGOTM 6/21
I'm old and I do wear purple
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jun 17 2022 : 1:40:36 PM
Heather I love your story! Your sister is the opposite of Tilton lol! We have to keep reminding him to hold on because he keeps letting the calves get away. I bet your sister had some pretty bad ouches after that.

nndairy Posted - Jun 10 2022 : 7:16:54 PM
Love all the cow stories! I already have the book so please don't sign me up. My first year in 4-H my sister and I each took a red and white holstein heifer calf. Before the fair we would walk them around the farm to get them used to the halters. One day we decided to run. The calves loved it! Until we wanted to stop. Mine stopped with me but my sisters calf kept running and she (my sister) fell but she wouldn't let go of the rope! She was drug across the yard and driveway. My parents were yelling "let go! let go!" Finally my sister let go. As soon as she did her calf stopped turned around and just stood there beside her. My dad asked her why she didn't let go. Her answer was "I didn't want her to run away". When fair time came, the morning of our show we got there early and washed and clipped our calves. They looked so good I kept walking mine around so she wouldn't get dirty or mess up her hairdo LOL! As soon as we stepped into the show ring full of nice fluffy sawdust she decided she had enough and laid down!!! I was so embarrassed. I had a heck of a time getting her up.

I have a bunch of holsteins now - both the traditional black and white and the not so common red and white ones, and a jersey heifer. One day though I'd love to get a brown swiss. If it doesn't scare the other cows too much I'd love to put a bell on her too! I love the sleepy look of them:

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
katmom Posted - Jun 06 2022 : 4:31:15 PM
Jean.. that is too funny, both of us living in the same neck-o-the woods.. I lived in Newbury Park until I married, then we moved across the highway to 1000 Oaks.. then we moved over the hill to Moorpark..
Do you by chance remember the Chicken Ranch over behind Moorpark.. I think it was called the Fillmore Chicken Ranch.. in the midst of summer (Aug-Sept) on a hot day when the Santa Ana winds blew.. you could smell the chicken poo through Moorpark.. I use to drive HWY 118 through Moorpark to take the back way to Camarillo via Lewis road..
Great memories. BTW my Hearing doctor had his office in Camarillo.

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
JeanP Posted - Jun 06 2022 : 12:39:14 PM
Well, I can't think of one blessed cow story. But I do have a small world story especially for Katmom. My son was born in Oxnard, CA. At the time I lived in Moorpark and my Dr. (Dr. Morikoni) was in Camarillo. We had Ador Farm milk truck delivery too. OOOOOOh, just loved the un-homoginized milk where you carefully poured off the yummy cream from the top which was delish on fresh made oatmeal or Cream of Wheat -- not the instant packaged stuff. So creamy and delish.
Re the butter -- take it one step further mash up some fresh ripe strawberries and push 'em through a sieve and mix with the fresh soft butter -- French Toast with Strawberry Butter for breakfast. Yum Yum. Now I'm hungry.

"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."
. . . .Stephen Hawking
katmom Posted - Jun 06 2022 : 11:54:09 AM
Ok, 2 quick stories,, . 1st time we lived in Wasgington, the neighbor behind us had several Highlands,, 2 adults and one youngun' named Norman... one day while driving the back road to town, I spotted Norman walking down the road,, I drove up the driveway to the back barn and told Larry that Norman was out taking a walk... LOL! apparently, someone had turned off the electricity to the hotwire on the fence.. thus, Norman strolling down the country road.

2nd story,, (1982-83 I think) Many moons ago, I was a chaperone for my daughter's grade school class field trip.. while there, several of the Male cows decided to be a bit amorous with the female cows,, imagine a classroom full of 1st graders asking why the cows were trying to play leap frog! and yes,, imagine a bunch of red faced parent chaperones!
We went to a local Dairy farm in Camarillo, CA. called "Adors farm".. funny, haven't thought of them in decades.. I wonder if they are even still around,..

Ok, that is my cow story... LOL! BTW.. Ador use to deliver milk, butter, and other dairy products,, and even eggs to our door step.. I loved there Chocolate milk.. I remember the bottles with the paper foiled caps.. and we always left the little metal bottles carrier on the door step,, mind you that was back in 1976..... I can still see the Ador Farm- milk truck clear as day,, thou now its just a memory.

Make your own butter,, easy peasy.. a sterile/clean small mayo jar or canning jar.. pour in 2/3 full whipping cream... shake until the butter separates from the liquid,, remove and rinse then gently squeeze out any remaining liquid,, add a pinch or 2 of salt.. store in the fridge,, I tell you,, fresh soft butter is over the moon delish!
Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Jun 06 2022 : 09:40:56 AM
HI Winnie,
That book sounds really interesting.
I lived on a big farm while growing up. loved it and miss it everyday.
After School I would go down the lane to bring the cows up to the barn.
They knew me and would follow right behind me. If I stopped they would stop.
Used to make to laugh.
Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Nancy Jo

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jun 06 2022 : 08:26:44 AM
Krista, your story reminds me of my daughter Jessica's pony "Spot". If he didn't want to be ridden, you had to chase him around, beg him to come for some grain. Nothing worked until he just decided to cooperate. It used to frustrate Jessica and her sister Kelley when he pulled that stunt! LOL!!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
Jokamartell Posted - Jun 04 2022 : 4:31:05 PM
Krista, what a great story! I would have loved to see the antics!! Lol. I’m sure your hubby didn’t think it was too funny though! :)

Karen :)
windypines Posted - Jun 04 2022 : 03:31:51 AM
I currently have Hereford beef and a Holstein milk cow and her last calf who is half Jersey. They all have their own personality's, they remember and are very smart. I have Herefords for the calmness of the breed and they are good mothers. In the spring I love watching the babies play in the evening. One time they were actually all lined up in a row and then they took off. Like they were having races. Then they jump and kick and have a good time.

Farming in WI

FGOTM June2019

MaryJanesNiece Posted - Jun 03 2022 : 1:03:01 PM
Just like April, my favorite cow is a highland! I have plans to own one sometime in the future and I can't wait for that day. I do hope for a miniature highland though.
So far I have had 7 cows in my possession.
1 holstein, 1 Charolais, and 5 Angus. Of them all the Holstein and Charolais are my favorite. They are so calm and so sweet.

A cow story I have is just from about 2 weeks ago. My husband was walking Freya on her halter and she is so stubborn and naughty. We have been trying for some time now to halter break her but she is not having it. Well during this time my great dane ran up to her and spooked her causing her to run and get out of my husband's hands. I watched him chase her all around our property but she would never leave the property. It was as if she was taunting him lol. I finally was able to coax her back in with some grain. But boy is she naughty. She is by far the stubbornness calf I have ever met. And I was so excited when I found out we were getting a heifer. Now I have changed my mind lol! Just goes to show how stubborn girls can be!

My current calves Freya and Odin

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Jun 03 2022 : 10:37:58 AM
April, I love learning about the Highlands and yes they are adorable with those shaggy faces!

Karen, I think any miniature cow would be fun to own because they provide all the good things you would want for a hobby animal plus you don't need a lot of land to make it possible. That photo you shared is CUTE!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
Jokamartell Posted - Jun 02 2022 : 6:27:03 PM
April, the highlands are pretty special!! I just wanna cuddle them! Lol

Winnie, I, like April, don’t have a cow story…I would LOVE to have a miniature cow (that’s all I have room for)! My favorite cow is the Holstein! I just think they’re so stinking cute.

Karen :)
Dreamer42 Posted - Jun 02 2022 : 11:53:55 AM
Sorry, but oh my gosh, how can someone NOT want to kiss that face!!?? LOL!!!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
Dreamer42 Posted - Jun 02 2022 : 11:52:53 AM
Hi Winnie!! Boy oh Boy, would I love to have a few acres to have my highland cow and a few chickens!! One day!! I don't have any cow stories to share, but my favorite breed of cow is the highland cow. I absolutely adore them and after finding out I am half scottish through our dna testing two years ago, I've been even more drawn to them. Tell me this face is not absolutely adorable with the tasseled hair!!?? I would be out in the field smoochin' that face every. single. day! I know, most people would probably that that was insane, but that's ok, I would do it anyway. I even have a throw pillow with this adorable face that sits in my chair beside my bed in my room!

Farmgirl Sister #7038

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